10 Essential Oils for Healthy Living

Essential oils are an incredible medicine kit staple and they can often help you in a sticky situation. It’s always safe to understand the medical power behind natural herbs and ingredients.

1. Lemon

This tart fruit has cleansing abilities (natural disinfectant and antiseptic), so it can be used to help purify water, kill intestinal parasites, kill bacteria, soothe sore throat, and promote optimal liver function.

2. Lavender

This essential oil heals burns, cuts, relieves itchiness, insomnia, stress, inflammation, sunburns and soothes earaches.

3. Oregano

Effective in treating infections such as yeast infection. It’s also excellent for joint inflammation and pain from arthritis. Oregano oil can also kill warts, remove skin tags, improve athlete’s foot and also soothe symptoms of the cold and flu – it’s incredible for boosting your immune system to ward off flus in the first place!

4. Melaleuca

Useful as a topical ointment for skin irritations, bug bites, acne, athlete’s foot, eczema and psoriasis.

5. Peppermint

Peppermint helps relieve nausea, digestive issues, allergies, fever, and menstrual problems. It has also been shown to help with chronic headaches and muscle aches.

6. Helichrysum

Helps reduce bruising, sprains, and inflammation and also protects you against infections and virus. Helichrysum can also help heal your body’s natural healing process!

7. Myrrh

A natural antiseptic, myrrh can aid in treating minor cuts and abrasions, as well as bug bites and burns. It also stimulates your immune system and encourages blood circulation, which will help speed up your natural healing process and cell regeneration.

8. Lemongrass

Great for soothing cramping muscles and repelling bugs during the summer months!

9. Clove

This herb is a natural antibiotic so it can draw toxins and infections from your body. Clove has also been shown to reduce nausea, constipation, toothache pain and headaches.

10. Frankincense

This funny named herb reduces inflammation, relieves headaches, helps healing, reduces restlessness, hyperactivity and gives you clarity of mind.

Source:  theheartysoul.com ~ Image: pixabay.com

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