Be Happy By Cultivating Great Relationships

Source: ~ Author: Brian Tracy

Be Happy By Cultivating Great RelationshipsMake an effort to be happy and cultivate great relationships all the days of your life. This is perhaps more important than anything else in life and I am going to tell you why living a good life, full of great relationships is more important than anything else.

85% of your happiness and joy in life will be associated with other people. This means that, of course, 85% of your frustrations and problems in life will be associated with other people as well. In order to be happy in life you must focus on building great relationships with others.

The Golden Rule

An important part of living a wonderful life is for you to remember that relationships are central to your health and happiness. Practice the Golden Rule in all of your relationships. Take a look at my previous blog “7 Secret Ingredients of a Happy Life” to learn more about living a good life and practicing the Golden Rule.

Make the important people in your life the most important parts of your world. Treat other people with courtesy, kindness, and consideration, exactly the way you would like to be treated by them. When you practice the Golden Rule, it will not only help you to be happy by being good to others, it will help others to be happy as well.

The Best Investment

The critical factor in every relationship is the variable of time. The more time you invest to be happy in a relationship, the more important that relationship becomes. Be sure to spend lots of time with the people who are the most important to you. The more time you spend with the people you care about, you will be happy, healthier and more fulfilled as a person.

In your relationships with other people, here is a special technique you can use. Especially when you feel impatient or angry for any reason, imagine that the other person only has a short time to live, and you are the only one who knows about it. What would you do differently?

Here is a great YouTube video about how I am able to keep a great relationship with my wife and we are both able to be happy. How can you apply these things to your life to cultivate great relationships?

Treat every person as though they were carrying a heavy load. Treat each person as though they have a lot of problems and difficulties. Be compassionate and friendly, even when you don’t feel like it.

Make Others Feel Important

Continually look for ways to make other people feel important. Look for ways to express appreciation and admiration. Look for ways to give them approval and praise. Look for ways to acknowledge the special qualities they have, and the efforts they are making. Go out of your way to bring a little sunshine into the life of another person you meet.

You are designed emotionally in a remarkable way. Whenever you do or say anything that makes another person feel better about himself or herself, you automatically feel better about yourself as well.

Each time you raise the self-esteem of another person, your own self-esteem goes up.  Whenever you make other people feel important, you feel more important as well. Take a minute to read one of my other blogs on building self-esteem, great relationships and living a good life.

How Will You Be Remembered?

When your life is done, no one will really care about anything that you accomplished, or any amount of money that you acquired. Their only concern will be the kind of person that you were, the way you treated them, and if you lived a good life as a good person. Remember, the first question anybody ever asks is, “Do you care about me?”

Six Months to Live?

Imagine that you only have six months left to live.

How would you spend your last six months on earth? Have you lived a good life up to this point? What would you want to do? Who would you want to see? Who would you want to spend your time with and what would you want to do during that time?

These are important questions to keep your relationships on the front burner of your life. Here is another short YouTube video about building relationships that I think you will enjoy.

Take Action

Live your life as if you only had 6 months to live. Be with the people you care about the most. Do the things that you really want to do. Always cultivate great relationships with the people you love. Practice the Golden Rule with everyone you come in contact with and most importantly, be happy and live a good life that people will remember you for.


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