Creating Your Freedom Lifestyle

Drawing up a game plan for living on your terms

Creating your Freedom Lifestyle is not as complicated as you might think. Complicated is not always hard, just as simple is not necessarily easy. If you want to create something worthwhile, it will require effort on your part.

There are only two ingredients to creating your freedom lifestyle. First, you have to define what it means to you personally. Only then can you work on the second ingredient; how to make it happen.

I have been living in my Mobile Domicile since July 2011, and I have been to the lower 48 States. For the most part, I have enjoyed living on my terms, but there is always room for improvement. Also, our needs and desires change, so we have to adjust and adapt. That’s the beauty of the Freedom Lifestyle.

Freedom Lifestyle means having the freedom to live your life any way you choose. But, in a society that tries to influence and dictate our decisions, most people find it hard to define what it means to live any way you choose.

Most people, when asked to define their dream lifestyle, will try to customize what society says a dream life should be. Even the so-called gurus, who claim to help you find your unique way, merely give you a template based on societal norms.

Where do you want to live? How much money do you want to make? What brand of car do you want to drive? Where do you want to go on vacation?

Defining your freedom lifestyle

When someone wants to know how to do it, the first question I ask them is, “If money was not an issue, how would you spend your time?”

If your goal is creating your freedom lifestyle, then you need to take some time and seriously ponder upon that question. Most of my potential clients would start with something like, “okay, if I had a million dollars in the bank, I would…”

They have difficulty wrapping their heads around the concept, “if money was not an issue.”

The desire to do it is proof that you have within you the power which can do it. ~Wallace D Wattles

But everything costs money.

Yes, we can’t deny that we live in a world where money is necessary; it’s a means of exchange. But when I say, if money was not an issue, what I mean is to take the focus off how would you acquire the money that you will need.

The first thing you need to do is to get out of the “I’ve got to have the money” mindset. And it all begins with merely accepting the possibility that you may already have whatever you need. Give the question of how some rest. We will deal with it a bit later.

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.

It’s Time for a Paradigm Shift

If you’re working on creating your Freedom Lifestyle, and if the path you are on right now cannot get you there, then you need to look for a different solution. You need to do different things, or maybe do the same things differently. You have to acquire a different mindset, a new way of looking at things. In other words, you need a paradigm shift.

We’ve been taught growing up, by our parents, teachers, and society as a whole, that the most crucial thing in life is to make money because everything revolves around money. If you have money, you can do and have what you want.

The problem with that thinking is that having and doing what we want becomes secondary to money. The truth is that money is simply a tool that facilitates doing and having what we want. In and of itself, money has no use or value.

Pursuing Freedom Lifestyle puts first things first.

Financing Your Freedom Lifestyle

If you want to claim your freedom and live life on your terms, you must acquire the ability to control your time. There is no better way to create the ability to manage your time than to be self-employed.

If you have always worked for others, then being self-employed could be a scary proposition, but it doesn’t have to be.

Allow me to offer you a paradigm shift.

Mind Your Own Business

When I was working in Corporate America, I always looked at my job as a contract between myself and the company I worked for. When you get a job, your prospective employer will tell you what the company has to offer and what they expect you to do. Then you shake hands.

Most people think it is a one-way deal, where your boss controls everything, and they might even try to give you that impression. The truth is you can terminate the contract just like they can. They can hire someone else, and so can you offer your services to others.

It is no different than being self-employed or owning a business. A business offers products or services to their customers or clients. You are providing your services to your employer. You are the business, and the employer is the client. The problem is, if you lose the only client you have, your employer, you’re in trouble. That is the reason most people let the company dictate to them what they can or cannot do.

Escaping the Prison

Think of starting a business as finding a new job. The only difference is you are the boss as well as the employee. Ask yourself, if you could have any role in the world, what would it be? Are you qualified for it? If you are, that’s great. Hire yourself and get started.

If you’re not qualified, can you acquire the needed qualification? My friend and mentor, Darren Lacroix, decided he wanted to be a comedian. As he tells the story, he wasn’t even funny. Instead, Darren went to the places where the comedians were starting off work. He talked to the headliners and learned about how to become a comedian.

Maybe you don’t know what your dream job is, just like I didn’t realize it when I fired my last boss. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. All I knew was that I didn’t want someone else to control my time. So I looked around to see what I can do. I evaluated my strengths and weakness, my interests and talents, and I decided to learn to become a balloon artist.

I have been twisting balloons for more than a decade now. My original goal was to earn enough income to meet my obligations while I figure out what I wanted to do. What I wanted was the freedom to travel. I realized that I could make money just about anywhere in the USA, twisting balloons.

Finding a middle ground

Your situation may be different than what mine was. Maybe you like your job and what you do. Perhaps you’re not comfortable firing your boss and striking out on your own as I did. However, if you feel that there could be more to life than what you currently have, and it would be nice to do more and get more out of life now, rather than later, then there are things you can do to make that happen.

One of my nephews is living his version of Freedom Lifestyle while working more than full-time. He was able to do this by making his desires a priority and finding ways around his work, which he loves immensely. You can learn more about him at his website.

Another option is to look at your strengths and weaknesses, and your interests and skills, and see if you can find a way to put them to use. Instead of jumping off the cliff, as I did, you could take a different approach. Maybe you can reorganize some of your extracurricular activities and find some time to start what Barbara Winter calls a profit center. The popular term for it these days is a side hustle.

It allows you to learn and grow without giving up the comfort of a regular paycheck. Even if you don’t intend to quit your job anytime soon, it is not a bad idea to have an insurance policy just in case. More options mean more freedom.

Someday Doesn’t Exist.

My friend Sean Ogle likes to say, “There are only seven days in a week. Someday ain’t one of them.”

Life is for living, and now is the only moment you have. Why would you want to postpone enjoying life for a future that you may or may not have? If you enjoy it now, then when that future arrives, you will continue enjoying it.

Source: ~ By: Rasheed Hooda ~ Image:

6 Tips To Master The Freedom Lifestyle

Key Takeaways

  1. Figure out what you want freedom to provide for you
  2. Discover your life’s purpose (get clear on your why)
  3. Start an online business
  4. Surround yourself with like-minded people
  5. Invest in yourself
  6. Don’t neglect your health and fitness

Freedom to be, do, and have whatever you want, whenever you want?

But you’ve been told that you should stop dreaming and get back to the real world? That you should just get a regular job like everyone else and accept life for how it is?

Perhaps you were told that freedom isn’t possible unless you were born into a wealthy family, won the lottery, or somehow just ‘got lucky’?

Well, fortunately, I’m here to show you that you can 100% achieve a freedom lifestyle, and you absolutely should.

Why? Because life is way too short to not live on your own terms.

1. Get Clear On What You Want Freedom To Provide For You

Freedom is one of life’s greatest desires and gifts that we have been given. But freedom can mean so many different things to each of us.

In order to know how to live the freedom lifestyle, it first requires you to get clear on what exactly it looks like to you.

What do you want?

    • Be able to work and travel anywhere in the world?
    • Buy a home or new car?
    • Have no financial worries for the rest of your life?
    • Give your loved ones a better quality of life?
    • Have more freedom of your time?
    • Be completely financially free?
    • Live comfortably?
    • Have a bigger impact for the greater good of the world?

Ultimately, it is to live life on your own terms. To do whatever you want, whenever you want (within the boundaries of the law).

“I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question” —Harun Yahya

2. Your Life’s Purpose Is Key

When you are crystal clear on your why, the motivation becomes a lot easier. Because creating more freedom, it’s going to take some work and commitment.

If you are unsure of your life’s purpose, start by writing down all the things that make you happy. What do you really enjoy doing? I’d highly recommend getting this free mindset mastery toolkit to help you gain clarity.

Following your ‘why’ will also give you a sense of freedom in itself, because it rarely, if ever, feels like work.

3. Consider Starting An Online Business

Working online will give you freedom of your time and location. Sounds pretty cool right?

Imagine working on a beach somewhere warm, at your own pace, and being your own boss. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop!

But seriously, really consider how you can use your skills and knowledge in an online format. Is your current job possible to do in an online format?

Some possible ideas:

    • Coaching or consulting
    • Freelance work such as writing, blogging, design work, music
    • An online retail store
    • A publishing business
    • Mentoring
    • Creating your own products and services

If you’d really like to create more freedom, focusing on creating passive income will take you much closer to your dream lifestyle.

4. Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

Many times in my life, I have heard people say “you are the product of the 5 people you spend most of your time with”. And I believe this to be very close to the truth.

In order for us to grow in life, we must consistently challenge ourselves to do things above our comfort zone. When we consistently do this, our awareness and mental faculties increase drastically, and we become more successful.

One of the hardest things to do is to lose friendships and relationships in general for that matter. But oftentimes, if we are to grow into better people and make huge leaps forward in life, we may have to lose a few friendships along the way.

As you grow, you may find that you don’t resonate with certain people anymore, and that’s fine. It doesn’t mean they are a bad person, but they just may not be adding anything to your life. If friends are interested in self-growth also then that’s awesome! You can grow together.

Start to build a network of people who fully support you, make you feel good about yourself, and are forward-thinking.

5. Invest In Yourself

If we aren’t willing to invest in ourselves, how can we expect others to invest in us? And if we have something of value to offer, then others will likely invest in us. Therefore, the more value we can offer, the more freedom and success we will create. We increase our value by increasing our knowledge and skills and then sharing it with the world.

When we have clarity on what we want in life and discover our purpose, we can begin to invest in those areas of our lives.

Think about any area of your life that you’d like to improve, and find a way to rapidly increase your knowledge, skills, and awareness in that area. Hire a coach, a mentor, read books, or take courses. Whatever it takes for you to achieve your desired outcome.

6. Don’t Forget Your Health And Fitness

Without our health, nothing would matter. If we say freedom is to be, do, and have anything we want, whenever we want, we must be able to actually do it.

Not only that, but taking care of our bodies will actually benefit us in every other area of life. We will have more energy and perform optimally in all that we do.

The type of exercise we do is
Are you taking care of your health and fitness? irrelevant, as long as we are working to a decent intensity. When we match our physical output levels with our food choices, we add so much quality to our lives.

Are you taking care of your health and fitness?

You Can Have It All

The first step to creating a freedom lifestyle is to take action on the above suggestions. If you want to speed up your results, you can sign up for this mindset mastery toolkit that will help you get clarity in your life. Then you can begin to move forward.

Source: ~ Image: Canva Pro

Why Residual Income is Important for Financial Independence

financial freedom
How residual or passive income is important in improving your life and leading to financial independence.

How can passive or residual income improve my lifestyle?

In order to understand how passive income can increase your quality of living, it is first important to understand the difference between active and passive income.

Active income is when you trade your time for money. People who are paid hourly or by salary, are earning active incomes. They are either trading one hour of their time for a certain amount of money or one year of their time for a certain amount of money.

Passive income is when the work that you do ends up providing income for an extended period of time or, in some cases, indefinitely.

Authors, artists, and musicians are all examples of people who earn their livings primarily from passive income, if not entirely.

It is very important to understand that passive income is not a “get rich quick” method of making money. In fact, I almost see it as a “get rich slow” method of earning a living.

A common misconception of passive income is that a person does something once, never updates it, improves upon it, or expands on it, and ends up never having to work again in their lives.

People who earn passive incomes work very hard and often long hours.

You may then ask, “if I’m going to have to continue to work while earning a passive income, then what is the point?”

My answer to that question is rather simple: In the long run, earning a passive income can take the stress out of your life.

The reason for this is that, when someone earns an active income, they are most likely earning 100% of their income from one source. If that source of income disappears for whatever reason – economic changes, the company decides to restructure, etc – then all of a sudden, you have absolutely no source of income.

On the other hand, people who earn residual incomes, generally earn their money from multiple sources. They have written multiple books, on different websites, or have multiple pieces of artwork that can be resold. If a passive income earner loses one of their sources of income, they will still be making money from their other sources.

I do not like the idea of a company being in 100% control of my entire income. I want to be in control of my own income.

Doing this really takes a lot of stress out of your life. You will still have to work hard and provide value to society but you can rest easy knowing that no matter what the future brings, you will most likely not all of a sudden lose all of your income.

As I mentioned earlier, it is not a “get rich quick” scheme and it often takes a long time to build up enough passive income to no longer require an active income.

That being said, for those of you interested in passive income, I recommend that you start building different streams of residual income while you’re still earning an active income.

Throughout the process, the financial stress you have in your life will slowly dwindle away until you eventually reach a point where you have complete control over the money that you make!

Source: ~ Image: Canva Pro

Why You Need Residual Income

Do you know the importance of “Residual income”? Let this sink in for a moment or two; The average millionaire has at least three streams of income and I can guarantee one of them is residual income. But, what’s the big deal? Well, this is capitalism we are talking about. It only really matters if you’re perhaps an entrepreneur and pondering the thoughts of truly making it big. Even if you’re simply trying to make a few extra bucks online, monthly recurring (residual) income is definitely the way to go. Check it out!

Residual income, for better needs partnership with a network marketing firm, which will help to uplift the finances. This is what will turn up your wheels. To develop this idea, you need to research in network marketing. Find the transition from trading time for money with marketing intended for a passive income.

Active and Passive Income

To help you understand how residual income can improve your life, let us first describe the differences between active and passive income.

  • Active Income: Active income is trading time for money. It’s getting paid by time, like salary. This means you are trading your effort and time for quick money. It’s surviving and remains the number one addiction in the world of online marketing. But, it does come with a few limitations.
  • Passive Income: This is the work you do for ends that will provide you with resources for the long term. Even after you stop contributing to the effort, you are compensated again and again. Passive income is building your own empire to gain the kind of freedom we all dream about. Unlike active, it needs a bit more dedication and hard work upfront, all of which pays off in the end.

To keep it even simpler, the best example of people who earn their living by passive are entrepreneurs, businessmen, and business magnates. People who have created something that made a real difference.

It is very important that you realize residual income is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It helps you with your financial circumstance, but only if you are willing to truly work hard and put in the time. For some, it can be a slow method taking months or even years.

Recurring monthly income can be obtained online and once the work is put in, you can continue to reap the benefits for years to come. With a simple website, branding, some decent content marketing, and solid SEO, just about anyone can begin down the path of a true entrepreneur and build a foundation they are proud of and willing to share with others.

Earning a Passive Income

Passive income can also relieve the stress of the traditional product sales scenario. As you earn an active income, you are getting your finances from one source only. In this case, what if that source itself disappears for whatever reason? What will you do? No one will have your back. Besides, putting your financial eggs all in one basket is simply not good business sense. To be successful, you need to have taken control of your own income. Build your own website and you can control your own destiny. You’ll get out exactly what you put in.

People who are making a living with residual income typically create a full-time income from more than one source. In this way, if one of their income streams gets cut off, they will manage their others and perhaps even branch out a bit more. A passive recurring income stream doesn’t have to be isolated to one venue. Because it nearly runs itself, you are provided the freedom to test and evaluate other sources of recurring passive income.

Importance of Residual income

Passive income, after everything is set needs no associated cost. Sure, it’s going to take considerable time upfront, but you don’t even have to work it every day. You can begin part-time and as your revenues build and take over your current main income, begin the transition to working as an entrepreneur full-time. And, typically, this type of recurring monthly income won’t lock you down to a specific location and you can work from anywhere you have a laptop and Internet connection.

Obviously, this will help save on travel expenses, clothing, meals, and much more. Basically, any expenditure the typical day job offers will be dramatically reduced when working from a home office or the nearby cafe.

Additionally, think about the freedom of being your own boss. Employers Might give you a pat on the back for some extra work, but are you truly reaching your full potential? Do you really feel you’ll reach your financial goals working for someone else?

Start a Business

Start Your Own Business

Everyone dreams of owning their own successful business. Generally, the fear comes in when we think about the risks involved in leaving that steady paycheck. Also, most feel they have to rent or lease an actual office space and fill it with furniture. But, beginning an online business can be done on a modest income and in some cases with zero outlay. The right mentor or training can truly lead you down the right financial path and create recurring passive income with next to nothing out of pocket.

The Lifestyle of Entrepreneurs with Residual Income

With a passive income stream, it’s not only about financial freedom. Instead, you have created something that matters. Yes, you will have to step out of your comfort zone in the beginning and take a risk. The most important aspect of obtaining passive income is a positive mindset. If you truly feel you can accomplish your dream, believe me, you can. A committed positive mindset will help you get there and reach the potential you know you’re capable of.

Another thing, there is nothing like the astounding proud feeling of owning a successful business. This is a feeling that no salary or pay raise can bring. Owning your own successful business will do wonders for your self-esteem and family life. Creating something from nothing will give you a sense of accomplishment that you never thought possible. As many have said before, “…nothing risked, nothing gained.”

And, as your self-esteem improves, you will become more and more passionate about your new business. This will show in your work and will be evident to your new clients, your content marketing, personal or company branding, and more. Six-figure income earners already have this confidence and thereby, continue to make more and more money. We often say, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” but, why do you think that is? The rich are willing to not let fear stop them, think a bit outside the box, and take that risk.

Source: ~ By: Pj Germain ~ Image:

What Is Residual Income And Why Do You Want It?

You have probably heard the expression that “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.” It’s often used to explain the unfairness when it comes to money.

However, I don’t think this is unfair at all. The reason it happens is that the rich focus on a completely different way of earning money. There are thousands of stories about poor people who accumulated great riches and this choice is available to all of us.

Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Oprah were not born into riches. Yet over their lifetimes, they’ve amassed huge personal fortunes. This is because they understand and use the power of leverage through residual income like we’ll talk about today.

What Is Active Income?

Active income comes as a direct result of our efforts. This is when we work for one hour and get paid a certain amount for that hour’s of work. This can be seen in wages, salaries, and self-employed service providers like lawyers or doctors.

There are many people who get paid vast amounts of money to become the CEO of a company, play professional sports, or star in a movie. Earning a high active income is often a lot of hard work and requires a dedication beyond most of us. It’s also limited because no matter how much money you get paid you still need to show up to work to earn your money.

What Is Residual (Or Passive) Income?

Residual income is when you continue to get paid after the work is done. This includes royalties from books, movies, or songs and also income that comes from real estate or business investments where you don’t actually have to be present to earn it. For example, Bill Gates is still making a residual income from Microsoft even though he isn’t working there anymore.

Residual income comes from building an asset that continues to pay you after the work has been done. A book, movie or song is an asset to the people earning royalties from it. A house is an asset to the landlord being paid rent and a business is an asset to the business owner who does not need to be involved in the day-to-day activities anymore.

The Passive Income Myth

Many people talk about passive income and create the impression that you never have to do anything to keep that income going. The truth is that you will normally have to keep your eye on things if you want it to run smoothly. For example, Richard Branson doesn’t run any of the 400+ companies he started but he goes over the numbers each day to make sure they’re performing well and calls the CEO if there are any problems.

There is also an idea that we should work to build a passive income asset and then sit on the beach relaxing for the rest of our lives. The truth is that most people would get extremely bored with this scenario and will be eager to find something to do. That’s why the world’s billionaires continue to work… they love what they do and it stopped being about the money a long time ago.

How To Build Residual Or Passive Income

The key idea here is leverage. You must be able to leverage other people’s time or other people’s money in order to create a residual income. Richard Branson can run 400+ companies because he isn’t actually running any of them at all. His CEOs are.

To create residual income, you need to create something that people will continue to buy on a regular basis long after you’ve created it. A house is a prime example of this as people will continue to pay rent for the right to live in the house. A business needs to have products that are sold over and over again rather than trading the business owner’s time for money.

The product might be an item that has been created and can be duplicated or it might be the time of other people. For example, a dentist can only make so much income trading their time for money but when they bring on other dentists they will start to leverage their results to build residual income.

The First Steps To Creating Residual Income

The first thing is to be aware of how you work for active or residual income. Then you want to decide on a path that transitions from active to residual income over time. It’s hard to start a new business and create residual income tomorrow so you have to have some patience.

As you make more residual income you can start to scale back the hours you put into active income. This will mean your residual income will grow even faster once you pay it more attention.

As Jim Rohn was famous for saying:

“I’m working full-time on my job and part time on my fortune. But it won’t be long before I’m working full-time on my fortune. Can you imagine what my life will look like?”

Source: ~ By: Craig Dewe  ~  Image: Canva Pro

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