What is An Extraordinary Life?

What is An Extraordinary Life? 

Extraordinary Life. Two simple words that beg a lot of complex questions. The most obvious one is: So if there’s such a thing as an “extraordinary life,” then there must also be such a thing as an ordinary life. We may typically say we have ordinary days (e.g., I wake up, eat, go to work, go home, eat, watch TV, sleep; do it again), ordinary cars (the ubiquitous 4-door sedan or mini-van), ordinary tasks (laundry, pay bills, take a shower), ordinary homes (2 or 3-bedroom house, 2-car garage in an “ordinary” suburban neighborhood). Job types can be considered ordinary: sales clerk, waiter, banker, gas station attendant, accountant, a construction worker. We all can easily generate a common image of each one of these people, things, or situations. READ MORE

9 Ways to Live an Extraordinary Life

“Your life sounds like so much fun. You’re so lucky that you get to live an extraordinary life.”

That is something I’ve gotten pretty used to hearing as I travel full-time and get to be a digital nomad.

However, it’s not just luck.

Just a few years ago, I never thought that I would be living this life. I never thought I’d be my own boss or that I’d be traveling full-time. It’s funny how much can change in just a few short years!

For me, this is extraordinary, but everyone has a different version of what living an extraordinary life means. READ MORE

7 Ways to Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary

What does living an extraordinary life really look like?

Well, in order to see the “extra,” let’s look at an ordinary life first. When I say ordinary, I mean you’re in a job you don’t particularly love, you’re plodding along day to day, and you’re just kind of existing.

An extraordinary life, on the other hand, is one you design. You live a life that you want to live, a life that’s exciting and invigorating. You don’t have to live a life of extraordinary wealth, though there’s nothing wrong with that. But you are in charge of your life. You’re doing what you want to do, you’re being paid for doing something you’d be doing anyway, and you’re genuinely happy. To me, the best definition of an extraordinary life is a happy life. READ MORE

13 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Life Extraordinary

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get ahead in life easily and effortlessly no matter what is going on around them? These people are amazing entrepreneurs, artists, innovators, leaders, and even motivators. What is more interesting is that they are often not the most talented, hard-working, or smart people around. Yet, somehow, they achieve much more than the rest of us. What is it that makes their life so extraordinary? How can someone’s life even be extraordinary all the time?

Khalil Gibran says, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way, your mind looks at what happens.” The key to success isn’t complex. Rather, it is the cumulative effect of simple daily habits that bring success. If you are ready to live a truly extraordinary, you should follow the example of extraordinary people and do those simple things that perpetuate success and help make your own life extraordinary. READ MORE

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13 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Life Extraordinary

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get ahead in life easily and effortlessly no matter what is going on around them? These people are amazing entrepreneurs, artists, innovators, leaders, and even motivators. What is more interesting is that they are often not the most talented, hard-working, or smart people around. Yet, somehow, they achieve much more than the rest of us. What is it that makes their life so extraordinary? How can someone’s life even be extraordinary all the time?

Khalil Gibran says, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way, your mind looks at what happens.” The key to success isn’t complex. Rather, it is the cumulative effect of simple daily habits that bring success. If you are ready to live a truly extraordinary, you should follow the example of extraordinary people and do those simple things that perpetuate success and help make your own life extraordinary.

1. You must be more confident.

Do away with shyness. You are an extraordinary person and you should know that. Confident people have a marked assurance about them that just gives them an edge. Understand your own competencies and the value you provide. Be at ease with who you are in full knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses. Act in ways that convey that understanding to others without being arrogant to display confidence. Also, work out, dress better and use power poses like standing with arms outstretched to boost your confidence and appreciate yourself more. These are signs of confidence.

2. You need to watch who you allow into your life.

Pay attention to who you allow into your life. Your energy levels grow or diminish based on what you are doing, who you are doing it with, and or who you are surrounded with. If the people you allow into your life or surround yourself with zap your energy, deplete it and leave you exhausted, remove them from your life. However, if the people you allow into your life energize you and make you feel fired up and ready to go, cherish them and tap into their positive vibe to achieve more and live happier.

3. You must tell the truth.

The truth can be scary and difficult. But, when you tell the truth you not only set yourself apart from the majority but also set yourself free to live without worry of contradicting yourself. You don’t have to remember what you said to whom. You earn a reputation as an honest person and people pick up on that and follow your example. They become more truthful to you. Start telling the truth today and never stop. Tell the truth to yourself and to others. Tell the truth when it is easy to do so and when it is not. Tell the truth to underscore you are serious about living an honest, extraordinary life.

4. You should practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is about paying attention and staying aware of the world around you. In our fast-paced life, more people need to stop rushing through life, multi-tasking, and start paying attention and noticing the world around us. Just slow down and appreciate your immediate surroundings. Focus on your responsibilities and experiences and respond to them with an objective, compassionate and non-judgmental attitude. You will find mindfulness helps you better respond to all of life’s experiences with calmness, sobriety, and hope, even when those experiences are painful.

5. You need to allow change.

Change is inevitable. From the day you are born to the day you die, you will encounter change severally. People marry, switch careers, re-locate to another city, and even move overseas in the course of time. Give yourself permission to feel all of the emotions that come along with change. Deal with any signs of resistance that threaten to obstruct or hinder your progress, such as foot-dragging and inertia. Keep in mind the wise words of Anatole France, “…we must die to one life before we can enter another.”

6. You should smile and laugh more.

This is probably the simplest and easiest one to add to your life right now. Truly extraordinary people seem so happy because they chose to be. They are optimists. They focus on the brighter side of life instead of wallowing in the negatives of life. Recognize that a well-led life is full of humor and humor is the flipside of tragedy. Laugh and smile more in life. Laughter not only makes you look younger and more attractive but also has numerous health benefits like lowering your stress levels. Besides, smiling and laughter is contagious. It infects others and makes their lives brighter too.

7. You must forgive and move forward.

We have all been hurt or offended at some point and will be hurt and offended in the future. Learn to forgive whenever you are hurt, otherwise, the weight of unforgiveness will weigh you down. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what happened. It also does not mean the other person will change her behavior. Rather, it means letting go of the anger and recognizing there is no point in allowing resentment to dominate your life. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Let go and move forward. Start from a clean slate and you will enjoy a truly happy and extraordinary life.

8. You must love what you do.

“Do what you love; Love what you do.” That was the unofficial work mantra of Steve Jobs. He preached and advocated love for your job passionately, attributing it in part to his success. He is quoted saying, “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love.” If you can’t find what you love, at least start loving what you do. Focus on the little good things about your job like your workmates and do your best every time. You just might leave a notable mark in this world.

9. You need to seek help and guidance.

Nobody knows everything, which means you can’t do everything completely on your own. The sooner you learn this, the better. You will need help, advice, support, and guidance along the way. People who lead extraordinary lives understand this fact and are not afraid to seek help. They are keen on learning new things and know seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of respect for other people’s skills and knowledge. Ask for help, advice, or other information respectfully whenever you need it. Make sure you express your gratitude afterward. You will be better off after it.

10. You need to sleep enough.

You don’t need to work extra hard to lead a happy, successful life. Instead, you can just work smarter. That includes sleeping enough to give your body and mind enough time to rest and recover so that both can function optimally. Get enough sleep each night—seven to eight hours, at least. You will wake up the next day refreshed, energized, and ready for the day ahead. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re killing your productivity, killing brain cells, and killing your chances of success without even knowing it.

11. You need to show unexpected kindness.

A simple act of kindness (even to an animal) is a powerful force that can dramatically alter anyone’s perception and experience in life. Show kindness without expecting anything in return. Acts of kindness prove you care. When you care, people notice. And, when people notice, it is an opportunity to make a positive difference in this world that is mad-dogged with intolerance, impatience, and aggression.

12. You should give genuine feedback and compliments.

Give genuine feedback and compliments to others, even those you only interact in passing. Express your sincere appreciation for what they do. This simple habit has a ripple effect that opens doors for you to receive similar feedback, which helps you know how you are doing in your own life and areas you can improve. People instantly like those who like them and genuinely want to help and support them. Words like “thank you” and “good job,” therefore, can pay you back tenfold.

13. You must have fun.

Just have fun, generally. Learn from Sir Richard Branson who believes that if you have fun and do good then success will come. We are only human. You need time off, fun, and excitement in your life to blow off some steam and stir up your creative mind. Besides, success is not an overnight thing. You might as well enjoy your way to where you want to be.

Source: lifehack.org ~ By: David K. William ~  Image: Canva Pro

7 Ways to Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary

What does living an extraordinary life really look like?

Well, in order to see the “extra,” let’s look at an ordinary life first. When I say ordinary, I mean you’re in a job you don’t particularly love, you’re plodding along day to day, and you’re just kind of existing.

An extraordinary life, on the other hand, is one you design. You live a life that you want to live, a life that’s exciting and invigorating. You don’t have to live a life of extraordinary wealth, though there’s nothing wrong with that. But you are in charge of your life. You’re doing what you want to do, you’re being paid for doing something you’d be doing anyway, and you’re genuinely happy. To me, the best definition of an extraordinary life is a happy life.

Here are seven specific ways to transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

1. Understand yourself.

You need to figure out what motivates you. What excites you? What are you passionate about? What is it that you love to do?

If you’re not sure, spend some time understanding yourself. Observe what makes you happy, what makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning and what makes you feel fulfilled. Focus on doing the things in life that you’re dramatically excited about.

2. Get paid for what you love to do.

Once you figure out what motivates you, try to design your life where you are maximizing the amount of time you’re doing that activity. Maybe that means setting aside time in the morning or on the weekends at first. Then try to design a life where you’re actually being paid to do what you love. The goal is to earn your living doing something that you’re passionate about and would do for free.

3. Invest in lifelong learning.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you have to focus on improving yourself every day. At the end of the year, you should understand and know something that you didn’t know at the beginning of the year. The only way you can coast in life is downhill. Stay green and growing. Challenge your brain with mastering something that you didn’t know before.

4. Have high expectations.

This is critical to leading an extraordinary life. Don’t become cynical and think, Good things don’t happen to me. Things always go wrong for me. Have high expectations for yourself and your life. Dream big. Let yourself get excited about a big goal or a big idea. Stay inspired to move forward and continue growing. A big dream can help you do that.

5. Be financially independent.

There’s a difference between financially independent and rich. Financially independent is where you live within your means. You don’t have massive amounts of debt. Out in the world, you might look at some people and think, Wow, they must be rich: Look at that car, look at that house. But in reality, they might owe everybody known to man. To me, that is not extraordinary. Extraordinary is where nobody—no institution, no bank—has their thumb on you. Dream big, but prepare for adversity. Expect and plan to succeed, but realize life doesn’t always go great.

Being financially independent means you’re never in a position where you’d be ruined if the world around you went downhill. When the financial collapse happened in 2008, my kids were going to private school. I remember so many other people pulled their kids out of school. I knew friends who had planes and then suddenly didn’t have planes anymore because so much of their life was built on debt.

Whatever level I’ve been at in life, I’ve always believed in the idea that a paid-for car is a good car. A car you owe a gazillion dollars on so you can drive a Maserati is not a good car. Become financially independent.

6. Deal equally well with success and failure.

If you try many things, if you live a life of adventure, you’re going to have a lot of success, and a lot of failures. Hanging in my office is a framed copy of Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “If.” At one point, it says, “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same…”

Things are never as good as you think they are when everything’s going good, and on the other side, things are never as bad as you think they are when things are going crappy. What sets you apart is the ability to go through life, grow through life and weather the storm. There are going to be sunny days and stormy days. That’s just fact. Put yourself in a position where you can financially, physically, emotionally and mentally make it through.

7. Work harder.

The founder of Primerica, Art Williams, used to give a speech on “A Little Bit More.” He talked about the difference between the super successful person and the average person. He said the winner does what it takes… and a little bit more. You can’t go through life just doing what’s necessary. You have to do what’s beyond necessary. If one level of effort will get you ahead, then the next level of effort will get you to an extraordinary life.

Succeeding in life is not easy. It takes hard work. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Work hard. Pay the price. But make sure that you’re working hard and paying a price toward a goal that you want to achieve. Do that, and an extraordinary life is within your reach.

Source:   ~ By John Addison ~ Image: Canva Pro

9 Ways to Live an Extraordinary Life

“Your life sounds like so much fun. You’re so lucky that you get to live an extraordinary life.”

That is something I’ve gotten pretty used to hearing as I travel full-time and get to be a digital nomad.

However, it’s not just luck.

Just a few years ago, I never thought that I would be living this life. I never thought I’d be my own boss or that I’d be traveling full-time. It’s funny how much can change in just a few short years!

For me, this is extraordinary, but everyone has a different version of what living an extraordinary life means.

And, no matter what your definition is, if you want to live an extraordinary life, you can do it!

Perhaps you want to travel, retire early, start your own business, have a homestead, volunteer more, or something else.

Having an extraordinary life can be whatever you want it to be.

All you have to do is aim for it!

If you want to live your best life, here’s how you can start. Remember:

We have one precious life: do something extraordinary today, even if it’s tiny. A pebble starts the avalanche. ~K.A. Laity

How to live an extraordinary life:

Stop making excuses.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, then you need to stop making excuses.

These might be excuses for why things may not be going your way, excuses for why you think something isn’t possible, and so on.

Everyone is guilty of making excuses, and I know that people will continue to make them until they realize that excuses are just that- excuses.

Just think about the last time you said “That won’t work for me because (insert your excuse here).”

As a personal finance expert, I hear a lot of reasons why a person can’t save money, pay off debt, reach retirement, and so on.

But, I also hear people making excuses for why they can’t live an extraordinary life, but this is just a disaster because you’re giving up before you’ve even begun!

There are plenty of legitimate reasons for setbacks, and sometimes the road to your dream life isn’t easy. However, before you say that something isn’t possible, you should stop and think about whether or not you are just making excuses.

Once you understand the excuses you are making, you should begin to take the steps needed in order to live an extraordinary life.

Go for your extraordinary life.

What makes you happy, excited, joyful, and motivated? That’s what you should be doing with your life! Well, as long as it’s legal.

Stop thinking about what other people want you to do and start listening to your heart. Who cares about what others think? If you spend all your time thinking about others, you will be wasting a ton of time!

  • If you want to live a life of adventure – Go for it.
  • If you want to start a family – Start planning one.
  • If you want a better job – Get one.
  • If you want to change the world – Do it.

Find what it is that you want from life and announce that dream to yourself. Making this step towards reaching your extraordinary life will help you stay focused and move that much closer to reaching your dream.

Forget about what people think.

I hear from a lot of people who think they can’t go for their dreams, such as traveling full-time, starting their own business, and more. Often, their biggest fear is that other people will judge them. Most of the time the judgments are just in the person’s head, and if they’re not, who cares what others think anyway?

I used to really care about what other people thought of me. Now that I’ve learned to let go of that, I couldn’t be happier.

Listening to the opinions and negativity of others can drag you down, control you, and affect your ability to reach your extraordinary life. Letting go and saying “Who cares!?” will help you learn to live a great life.

Just remember, everyone is different, all that should matter is what is right for you.

Welcome the unknown.

The path to your extraordinary life will probably have quite a few brand-new experiences.

Some people try to avoid or ignore these experiences because they are afraid of change or fear the unknown. However, these unknowns and new experiences are usually the keys to your future.

They may help shape your ideals, teach you valuable lessons, and strengthen your self-confidence.

Even though these unknowns can bring about positive change, it’s important to prepare for them. This begins by making a realistic plan for what may happen once you start taking steps to reach your goal. Being prepared can take a lot of the stress out of confronting the unknown.

For example, if you are afraid of what might happen when you leave your job to try something else, you should first plan on having a well-funded emergency fund. This way, if it takes you a little longer to find your dream job or dream life, your emergency fund will be there to help ease some of the stress.

Step outside your comfort zone.

When was the last time you did something new? Living an extraordinary life means that you’ll probably have to step outside of your box and do new things.

So many people live inside their comfort zone when they actually need to branch out every now and then.

Yes, stepping outside of your box can be tough, but what if it completely opened your eyes and changed your whole outlook on life?

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

If you want to learn how to live an extraordinary life, this is something you need to do every now and then. You could even set a goal to try something new each day, each week, or each month.

Improve your confidence.

To live your extraordinary life, you will have to be more confident.

A lack of confidence may:

  • Prevent you from believing in yourself.
  • You may be too shy to do what you want or need.
  • Force yourself to do things you hate.
  • Cause you to ruin a meeting, job possibility, and so on.
  • Lead to unhappiness.

On the flip side, confidence can open many doors for you.

It can lead to getting the job you want, making more money, reaching your dreams, meeting new people, networking, traveling the world, and more.

Success isn’t easy. If it were easy, then everyone would be extremely successful, meaning that word wouldn’t even exist.

To take control of your life and live it to the fullest, you need to start believing in yourself and stop making excuses.

Next time you think “That’s not possible for me because of (your excuse),” you should think about how you can make your goal a reality.

You need to admit that you are making excuses, and believe that you can accomplish your goals.

Yes, it may be a little difficult to change your mindset in the beginning, but as time passes, you’ll realize that your excuses were just a waste of time and thought. Because, if you really want something, you can find ways to make it a reality.

Failure is a part of life.

Okay, that may sound extremely negative, but it’s true. Instead of thinking of failure as an end, you should think of failure as a learning experience.

If you’re taking risks or trying new things, there is a chance that you may fail at the task you are attempting.

But, that’s completely okay!

You won’t know if something will work or not unless you try it, and sometimes failure is just a part of the learning process.

Part of living a great life is failing every now and then. Accept that fate now, and you’ll be better prepared when it happens again.

Don’t let life pass you by.

It can be really easy to let life pass you by. Before you know it, years or even decades may be gone.

Too many people have the mindset of “Oh, in 10 years life will be so much better because of such and such.” And then, they just let their lives go by without ever thinking about the present.

Well, what about now?!

10 years is a long time!

Reaching a goal is great, but you should always make sure you are living life to the fullest (on a realistic budget, of course).

Realize that you’ll have to make sacrifices.

To live an extraordinary life, you may have to make sacrifices. In fact, sacrifices are definitely something you will have to make.

You may have to work long hours, pay off debt, skip an expensive purchase, and more. However, if it’s truly a dream of yours, just keep your eye on the end goal! If your idea of an extraordinary life is worthwhile to you, then the sacrifices will be worthwhile as well.

Source: makingsenseofcents.com ~ BY: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

What is An Extraordinary Life?

Extraordinary Life. Two simple words that beg a lot of complex questions. The most obvious one is: So if there’s such a thing as an “extraordinary life,” then there must also be such a thing as an ordinary life. We may typically say we have ordinary days (e.g., I wake up, eat, go to work, go home, eat, watch TV, sleep; do it again), ordinary cars (the ubiquitous 4-door sedan or mini-van), ordinary tasks (laundry, pay bills, take a shower), ordinary homes (2 or 3-bedroom house, 2-car garage in an “ordinary” suburban neighborhood). Job types can be considered ordinary: sales clerk, waiter, banker, gas station attendant, accountant, a construction worker. We all can easily generate a common image of each one of these people, things, or situations.

Of course, ordinary or extraordinary is all relative. It’s relative to an individual’s life situation, dreams, aspirations, history, experience, education, or background, among other things. A shift in any of these characteristics can result in something ordinary becoming extraordinary; and also the reverse!

According to the dictionary, ordinary is defined as “of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional.” Can the accumulation of frequent ordinary experiences add up to the conclusion that some of us simply lead ordinary lives? Perhaps; or perhaps not.

Some might say there is no such thing as an “ordinary” life. As human beings, we live a unique individual existence, with personal dramas full of unique elements: strengths, skills, failures, opinions & theories, suffering, triumph, folly, love, and pain. Anyone’s portrait or biography could be created in a profound and touching way — a prospective work of art, triumphant or tragic. Thus, we could conclude that no one is ordinary — life itself is too infinitely complex. Even the guy we call (or who even calls himself) “just an ordinary guy” has a unique and compelling story to tell.

Then comes the next obvious question: so if no life is ordinary, then is every life extraordinary? I believe the answer is NO. It’s not that simple.

At the most basic level, the word “extraordinary” means “ beyond the ordinary,” “beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established;” or instead: “exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree; noteworthy; remarkable.” Extraordinary lives, however, are not simply the manifestation of inflated scale or amplified presence — bigger, better, faster, louder, shinier! Those qualities, though possibly present at the surface, are not the hallmarks of extraordinary lives.

Many of us achieve peak performance, we reach the top of a summit — from a lifetime of aim, effort, conviction, sacrifice, and persistence. We have the honors & medals, the degrees, the awards, and the bank accounts to prove it. Excellence is not only expected, it is just simply how we operate. Impressive? Definitely. Extraordinary? Not necessarily. There are countless ordinary super-achievers in the world! For those who have reached a peak of success, many are left wondering “Now what?! I checked all the boxes, jumped through all the hoops, and reached the top.” They have achieved success, but not with any real awareness of why and to what end.

There is something about a person whose life we would agree seems extraordinary — something compelling, something intangible about their life that stands out, that emits a certain attracting energy that communicates wisdom, power, and truth. Theirs is a level of success beyond the summit, success defined differently from the usual perspective of achievement hallmarks.

I assert that a true Extraordinary Life is generated by the dynamic intersection of Life, Leadership, and Legacy. Extraordinary is a state of mind and a state of being (vs. doing) — marked by confident yet selfless leadership, knowing at your core why you are here, and the contribution and impact, unique as your thumbprint, that you leave behind. An Extraordinary Life touches lives, inspires, and leaves the world a better place.

Extraordinary living doesn’t happen by accident. It is a deliberate act of rising to meet your challenges from the power of knowing who you are, what you are here to do, and what you want from and for the world.

It is about embracing the ordinary of who you are as a human being, your shared experiences of being human, and filling the longing to understand why you act and think in certain ways, in order to get clear about what you need and want from yourself and others.

Knowledge is power, and power allows you to rise to challenges and manifest your vision and purpose. What is left is your message to the world and the reflection of your impact — your legacy. The act of powerful leadership and purposeful living is the activating mechanism that takes one from ordinary to extraordinary.

Ordinary is life by default. Extraordinary is LIFE BY DESIGN.

Source: extraordinarylife.com ~ Image: Canva Pro

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