5 Ways To Improve Your Body Image, Confidence, and Mental Health

Imagine what life would be like if we stood in front of the mirror and focused on what we love about ourselves instead of what we wish we could change.

It seems instead that a majority of us veer toward thinking negatively, giving attention to our so-called flaws. We are bombarded with images of beautiful celebrities and models on television, in magazines, and on billboards. Even our own cell phones — Instagram, I’m looking at you — can be culprits, inundating us with photographs of people who have likely slapped on a filter and Facetuned themselves to “perfection.” What’s the result? A never-ending supply of edited images and a load of viewers feeling inadequate and uncomfortable in their own skin.

All of this leads to unrealistic expectations of what we should look like, dress like, and act like. As technology advances and we’re more connected than ever, it seems that self-esteem — especially of millennials — declines. Recent studies show a definite link between social media usage and low self-esteem. It’s way too easy to fall down a rabbit hole on Facebook or Instagram. You can be on your feed and the next thing you know you’re on your ex-boyfriend’s sister’s best friend’s page wishing you had abs as great as hers.

Despite what we may believe, nobody’s perfect! Women and men in magazines are groomed and photoshopped to match society’s preferences. And let’s not forget that the “ideal body” changes constantly with the trends. Think about it. In the ‘90s, Kate Moss was the archetype of the “perfect woman” — fairy-looking features and an extremely skinny figure. Did anyone think heroin chic was healthy? Now, the tables have turned to favor “thick” women with generous curves, a la the Kardashian family. Following beauty fads can be exhausting and dangerous.

Comparing ourselves to others is the root of all evil when it comes to negative body image. Every single one of us is beautiful in our own way, and yet we are always looking at others and coveting something that they have and we don’t — or think we don’t have. We look at ourselves and think that we aren’t good enough the way we are. Why is it so hard to just accept ourselves?

On top of this, many of us have internalized negative comments from our past that we’re unable to shake. We’re more likely to remember one cynical comment from a peer than we are to remember all of the compliments from friends. For example, I’ll always remember meeting a cosmetic dentist at a club who told me that he’d love to “fix” my crooked front tooth.

The effect of poor body image can be dangerous. Studies show that teenagers with low self-esteem are at a higher risk to develop depression in young adulthood. Low self-esteem is also linked with other mental health problems like obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety, eating disorders, and body dysmorphic disorder.

Positive body image doesn’t mean you have to stare at your naked body in the mirror for five minutes after you shower admiring each part of yourself — but if you do, more power to you! It doesn’t mean that you have to be obsessed with every part of yourself, rather, you should reach a point where you accept your appearance as it is. It’s not about perfection.

Building your self-esteem takes work. If you have a very poor body image, it can take years to repair. Why not start now? There are so many things you can do to build yourself up and undo a lifetime of low self-esteem. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

1. Recognize That Nobody’s Perfect

No one is 100% flawless. Know that perfection is more of an idea than a reality.
Aiming for perfection will only let you down. When you’re looking at magazines or Instagram, take everything with a grain of salt. Remember that almost every image you see is edited.

2. Appreciate Your Own Beauty

Take note of everything you like about yourself. Make a list, and physically write it down. When you’re feeling bad about yourself, revisit the list to remind yourself of all your positive attributes. As your self-esteem improves, you may find even more parts of yourself that you love. Add them to the list!

3. Don’t Rely on Others for Confidence Boosts

Allow yourself to accept compliments from people, but don’t let this be your main source of confidence. Ultimately, confidence is going to come from within you. Sure, it’s nice to have reassurance from others that you look good, but you want to look and feel good from within.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Exercise regularly and eat healthily. Working out and setting goals can help you feel great both physically and mentally. A balanced diet is key, as well. That being said, you shouldn’t compulsively over-exercise or obsessively count calories. It’s tough to balance, but try to focus on the internal benefits of a healthy lifestyle rather than the external ones.

5. Avoid Being Preoccupied with Social Media

As mentioned earlier, social media use is linked to low self-esteem. Try not to get too caught up in it. Make a conscious effort to go on your social media apps less. If you’re feeling extra down about yourself, it might be a good idea to delete the apps from your phone for a couple of days for a social media cleanse.

Do I wish my lips were more pillowy and my snaggle tooth was in line with the rest of my teeth? Sure. But as I said before, it’s not about perfection — it’s about acceptance. After following those aforementioned steps, I learned to love myself, and in turn, developed a better body image than I’ve ever had before. There’s no reason why you can’t too.

Source: talkspace.com ~ by: Ashley Laderer ~ Image: Canva Pro

7 Ways to Sneak Exercise Into the Self-Employed Lifestyle

Exercise at Your Desk

When you’re self-employed, it’s easy to think that your schedule is 100% your own and that you can pick and choose exactly how you want to spend your time. However, entrepreneurs work hard to please clients and build the perfect business — which means that personal time is often sacrificed for last-minute projects, client meetings, and tight deadlines.

The stress and long hours of the entrepreneurial lifestyle often come at the expense of physical and mental well-being. Trips to the gym take a back seat to the business.

If you’ve been struggling to find a way to fit regular exercise into your unpredictable, self-employed schedule, here are a few tips for the new year.

1. Wake Up Earlier

Squeezing in an extra hour in the morning is one of the most effective ways to fit a workout into your day. Maybe you’re not a morning person, and the idea of waking up in the dark to swim laps or head to the gym sounds like pure insanity. If this is the case, ease yourself into a new schedule by setting your alarm half an hour earlier each week until you’re getting up a 6 a.m.

The best part about working out in the morning is that it sets the tone for the rest of the day, and there’s no chance a last-minute client request will get in the way.

2. Get Social Support

Find a few friends or colleagues to join you on a biweekly bike ride or hike in order to stay honest and motivated throughout the year. This positive form of peer pressure is a proven way to encourage people to perform and follow through on their commitment.

For example, if you’re scheduled to meet a personal trainer or friend at the gym at a certain time, you’ll be more likely to go. And while I’d never recommend anyone to enter such a major commitment just for the exercise, adopting a dog will force you to get outside for a walk or run every day.

3. Gamify Your Exercise

Gamification, which applies game mechanics such as rewards and leaderboards to working out, has been a hot trend for several years now. For example, you can start a challenge board for your fellow colleagues, friends, employees, etc. Challenges can include anything like “Do 50 push-ups today” or “Run X miles before work.”

If you work from home and don’t have a big group in the office, try tracking your activity with a device such as the Fitbit Force or Nike Fuelband. In addition, there are many mobile app games, such as Zombies Run or Fleetly to help keep you motivated.

4. Exercise at Your Desk

Surely you’ve heard about the growing research indicating that sitting for eight hours each day can shave years off our lives. In response, standing deskstreadmill desks, and exercise balls are rising in popularity in offices everywhere. If you’re not quite ready to stand or jog while working, there are numerous exercises you can do at your desk during a sedentary day. Get up and walk, even at the office, for about 5-10 minutes every hour.

Click here to see 20 exercises, including simple stretches to boost circulation as well as more complex strength-building exercises. Likewise, do whatever you can to be more active during the day. If you have to drive instead of walk, park farther away from your destination and take the stairs instead of using an elevator.

5. Go Outside During Lunch

Not everyone can take a long break during the day, change clothes, and come back sweaty and flushed after a mid-day run or basketball game. However, you can probably go for a brisk 30-minute walk at lunch and still be presentable to meet with an important client.

Depending on where you are on the fitness spectrum, a 30-minute walk may not be sufficient, but it’s always better than sitting at a desk. You’ll also get the mood-enhancing benefits of sunshine, fresh air and a change in scenery.

6. Incorporate Workouts Into Meetings

You most likely meet with clients or contractors over lunch in a café or conference room. But, you could opt for a low-key fitness activity, such as golf or a walk in the park, to discuss business matters while being active.

Of course, you never want to spring this type of plan on anyone; make sure your client is comfortable with the idea. And who knows, maybe you’ll discover you have a mutual interest, such as rock climbing, kayaking or cycling — and your client may be just as eager to sneak these activities into his or her schedule as you are.

7. Make It a Priority

The most important thing you can do is treat your workouts like any other appointment. You’re not going to break a commitment to a client, so don’t break a commitment to yourself either. Schedule each workout into your smartphone and make it non-negotiable. You don’t owe anyone an explanation why you’re unavailable during that time.

Source: mashable.com ~ By:  Nellie Akalp  ~ Image: Canva Pro

Manifesting Miracles Through Mentoring


JoAnna A. is an amazing example of how fast your life can turn around when you connect all the dots together in the right way from getting the guidance you need.

After you hear her story you’ll see that there are no excuses.

JoAnna was a housewife in her 20‘s, a stay-at-home mother to two babies, and wife to her hard-working husband with a blue-collar job.

She had hit upon and developed a unique healing modality that she wanted to launch as her legacy.

She knew this was what she must share with the world and was determined to find a way to get it out there.

Only problem is, she didn’t know marketing or the first thing to do, but she was willing to learn and get help.

She came to my partner, Bob Doyle and me and we did for her what we urge you to do if you want to launch into the world with your message, product, business or service.

We helped shape her vision, we helped reflect back to her what could work and also helped circumvent her potentially going down a wrong path.  We worked with her to craft what made the most sense to bring her the best and fastest results, we guided her to follow certain steps, etc and then helped connect her to others to help support her.

With all the pieces now in place (of what had been once been her puzzle), she skyrocketed in amazing and lightening fast ways! And I mean, skyrocketed!

She filled her newly created paid program right away, she got positioned fast as a leading expert and in just a matter of weeks was being interviewed by top leaders in our industry.

Within just months of launching, her healing program/process was such a hit that she was already in process of certifying coaches and those in the healing profession to use her 4-step healing process (at $6500 a pop!)

Now, literally, only months later, she let us know that she is on track to having her husband quit his blue-collar job so that he can be a stay-at-home dad and SHE can be the breadwinner while staying at home with her family, and follow doing the work she loves, making a powerful impact in people’s lives, while dramatically changing her income.

Talk about LIfe-Changing!  And talk about the ripple effect that’s now been created because of how many lives she’s helped through this process of hers.

From where she was before, all of this seemed impossible.

Any ‘normal’ person would have been stopped or buried by seemingly ‘normal’ excuses, like, “Oh I’m too young” or “I have no idea how to do this!” or “I don’t know what I’m doing” to “Who am I to do this when I don’t have a degree or any credentials” to “I don’t have the money to put this out there” to “What if I go for it and it doesn’t work or I make mistakes?”, etc.

Ever have any of these thoughts come up for YOU with what you’re wanting to do in life?

She might have had those thoughts but she didn’t let those doubts or concerns or fears stop her and the best part is she knew that the best way to streamline her timeline and get it done the fastest, most effective way was to lean on the shoulders of others who could guide and mentor her.

What’s calling to you in YOUR heart?

What do you love?

Are you even trying to figure out what matters to you? Because you DO have something of value, no matter how simple, how small or even how impossible it may seem.

The most important question is:

What’s stopping you?

What impact (and income, even) could you make if you let nothing stop you and you went after launching what you love to do and what’s important to you, or even focused on discovering what your unique message or calling is if you don’t know already?

Mentors were the key to JoAnna’s success (along with her commitment to make it happen) and why she launched so quickly, effectively and powerfully.

Mentors are the backbone behind someone’s dream. Mentors have paved the path, they know the way and they can see it for you, perhaps better than you can see it for yourself.

Mentors can give you a map and direction and point you in the way of what you need to do, or even work with you in helping you achieve your vision.

Mentors also know how to help you make important connections and just one connection can open up doors for you that you may never have been able to open up yourself.

Our own Bob Proctor even shares how he went from being penniless and searching for how to turn his life around and how it was through the power of even one mentor that his life became completely changed.  As you know, since then, he’s personally mentored thousands through the years.  And through the work he does, has impacted millions of lives.  He didn’t let circumstance or doubts stand in HIS way. Imagine if he had…what then?

There are lives out there waiting to be impacted by YOU.

What action will you take TODAY to move you forward in your dream? To take on your purpose (even if it scares you)?

Don’t wait till you have it all figured it out (and don’t try to figure it out on your own either).  Take steps to get the help and guidance you need and move forward with action, even if you have whatever thoughts come up that may want to stop you.

You and what’s within you are too important to be held back by any fear or doubt.

What counts is, as the wise saying goes, “Feel the fear and do it anyway”.

The world is waiting for what’s waiting inside you.  Take your next step NOW!

Source: proctorgallagherinstitute.com ~ Image: Canva Pro

Top 5 Famous Female Mentor Mentee Relationships

Mentorship is not just great for your career, but if you have someone who can help you with your problems, cheer you on, and understand you on a deeper level, then you can succeed in all aspects of your life. While women have made a great mark in the past century and are moving past male superiority, they are still trailing behind men when it comes to professional work. Therefore, a mentor-mentee relationship is something that women of all ages and backgrounds must consider. Some of the world’s most influential and successful women have had mentorship at specific stages of their careers.

5 Famous Examples of Female Mentor-Mentee Relationships

1. Maya Angelou & Oprah Winfrey

While it is difficult to imagine that Oprah Winfrey had a mentor, she was mentored by famous writer and poet Maya Angelou. While Maya has inspired generations of women around the world, she has guided Oprah through some of her most important years. Maya Angelou not only helped shape the illustrious career of one of the world’s most famous talk show hosts but also offered her tons of wisdom, turning her into the person we know today. Even Oprah has often stressed her favorite piece of advice where Angelou asked her to believe someone only when they expose their true selves.

2. Michelle Robinson & Barack Obama

The popular saying,  behind every great man, there is a great woman, cannot have a better example than the former First Family. As she was known back then, Michelle Robinson was Barack Obama’s mentor while he was a summer associate at a law firm. And while Michelle became highly successful in her field, she was often credited by the former President himself for being the person behind his success.

3. Meryl Streep & Viola Davis

There is hardly any camaraderie in show business, and women helping women is probably the last thing you would imagine. However, Viola Davis has gone on record recognizing Meryl Streep as not only her friend but also as her mentor. According to Viola, they have been friends since 2008, and Meryl has guided her in life and her career.

4. Faith Hill & Taylor Swift

Before becoming a global sensation, Taylor Swift was trying to make her career in country music. And it was Faith Hill who helped her every time things went out of her control. In a 2008 interview, Taylor Swift revealed how Faith Hill inspired her to relocate to Nashville, which made her career in country music.

Swift had also spoken about how she relied on Hill when she was progressing in her career. Today, with more than 10 Grammys and the title of AMA’s Artist of the Decade under her belt, Taylor is also setting an example by mentoring other women.

5. Nora Ephron & Lena Dunham

While mentorship is common among contemporaries, the cross-generational mentor-mentee relationship between Nora Ephron and Lena Dunham is worth mentioning. This bond began when Nora reached out to Lena after watching her film Tiny Furniture.’ While it is unknown whether Nora saw her as a younger version of herself or just wanted to mentor the talented female writer, it proves that it is never too late to begin a mentor-mentee relationship if the teaching is mutual. However, it is safe to assume that Nora changed Lena’s life forever.

Resource: womleadmag.com ~ By: THE EDITORIAL TEAM ~ Image: Canva Pro

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