Side Hustle Your Way To Extra Income

Who couldn’t use a little bit more money? Whether you are a stay at home mom, starting a kids college fund, trying to pay off student loans, saving for a down payment on a house, trying to pay down debt, or just putting some money away for a rainy day, a little bit of extra cash can go a long way. You need a side hustle

Maybe you have a job but you dream about being your own boss… running your own business. A side hustle from home can be a game changer that’ll make a difference in your cash flow while giving you the freedom you have always wanted.

No matter where you live or what you do for a living, one of the benefits of the internet is the ability to make money, anytime, anywhere.

Think of it this way – you have the world at your fingertips and all you have to do is tap into an unlimited number of potential clients on social media, and BOOM! – your side hustle is producing an income. And you are earning that extra income you need, moving in the direction of a full-time, work from home, legitimate business!

How to Build a Successful Side Hustle

So you have decided to get started with your own side hustle from home but you don’t know where to start. Here are a list of steps to follow for you to start developing a successful side hustle today:

Don’t go into this endeavor blind – you need a personal development plan.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”  Tony Robbins

Are ready to stop drifting along doing whatever comes to your attention, and you are ready to have more control over your life – then you need a precise plan.

The power of a precise plan lies in the fact that, if you plan, you are able to focus all of your activities in the right direction. The result – more control over your life!

A Personal Development plan is a detailed coordination of a complex operation where you develop strategies and implement tactics that result in a prosperous future. Think of it as an attack plan for your life!  READ MORE

Know what your goals are and why you want to accomplish them.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”  Andrew Carnegie

So what’s your plan? If you’re like most of us you have some goals in mind, but let’s go one step further and put together some SMART goals.

SMART goals will give you a game plan that makes it much easier to make decisions and helps keep you on track.

Just the process of writing down SMART goals will go a long way, but defining the reasons for accomplishing those goals makes all the difference in accomplishing them. READ MORE

Schedule time for your side hustle

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” Victor Hugo

It’s time to remove any self-sabotage or self-limitation you have around “not having enough time,” or today not being “the right time” to start a business or manage your current business properly.

There are only three ways to spend time: thoughts, conversations and actions. Regardless of the type of business you own, your work will be composed of those three items.

As an entrepreneur, you may be frequently interrupted or pulled in different directions. While you cannot eliminate interruptions, you do get a say on how much time you will spend on them and how much time you will spend on the thoughts, conversations and actions that will lead you to success. *  READ MORE

Set up Business Systems

“Systems run the business, and people run the systems” Michael Gerber

Once you have been working a week or two, you should have a lot of connections and a lot of follow ups. And next week you should have more connections and more follow-ups.

Let’s talk about purpose management. It’s very, very important when you are managing your business that you are ‘keeping the main – thing the main thing’. Right now we’re focusing on our income producing activities.

For example, when you are setting up your calendar and scheduling time for:

  • Income producing activities and highlight in green.
  • Time with family for meals and everyday activities and highlight in blue.
  • Fun time with family and friends, or just time for yourself should be highlighted in yellow
  • Other things we have to do in life (doctors appointments, grocery shopping, banking, etc.) should highlighted in orange

I don’t believe in time management, but I do very strongly believe in Purpose Management… manage your life with purpose, include work, family and fun – it will set you FREE! READ MORE

Learn the Art of Connecting with People

“The goal is to provide inspiring information that moves people to action.”- Guy Kawasaki

Connecting with people is about understanding their motivations, and providing VALUE whenever, and wherever possible. However, we cannot simply ‘give’ endlessly. We have to build our lives (and our relationships) connections that reciprocate.

Most of us are looking for deep connections with:

  1. People we can trust implicitly
  2. People we can rely on
  3. People who sincerely appreciate us for who we are

When you sincerely connect with your own soul, who you are and what your purpose is… other people see that and want to connect with you. READ MORE

Learn the Art of Social Media Engagement

“Lead people with what they want. – Lead with what they’ve already said. – Lead people from where they’re at. – Lead them with the things that concern them.” – Sandi Krakowski

Once you know the target audience you want to reach on social media, what social networks they are active on, and the social networks you will use to reach your target audience, here are 9 social media basics to help you get your social media presence off to a good start.

  • Complete Your Profile
  • Ensure Consistent Branding
  • Share Content Regularly
  • Respond Quickly To Comments & Questions
  • Share Content Your Customers Value
  • Link To Your Website
  • Use Images & Videos
  • Prepare to Pay for advertising
  • Persevere – Don’t Quit

Real progress or growth with social media is a slow, steady and sometimes painful process. This is especially true when you are just getting started with social media. Like most anything of value, social media requires time, attention and especially perseverance to produce results. READ MORE


A side hustle can bring in that extra money you need each month. You will also develop new skills, build a personal brand, achieve financial freedom and live on your own terms. And with some more money in your pocket, there’s nothing stopping you from making your dreams come true.

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