10 Reasons to Be Thankful

10 Reasons to Be Thankful

I know I’m not the only one who gets a warm and fuzzy feeling each year when Thanksgiving rolls around. There’s something special about gathering with our families and friends to enjoy a meal and reflect on everything we have to be grateful for.

But as we all know, that warm and fuzzy feeling doesn’t always last for very long. And way too often, the spirit of thankfulness that comes with the holiday fades away too. That’s not good!

We might not always be filled with the holiday spirit, but we can choose to be thankful at any time. And it’s really important for us to make that choice because we miss out on a ton of amazing things when we let that attitude of gratitude slip away.

We should be thankful all year long—not just at the end of November. So, to encourage you to keep a spirit of appreciation, I’ve made a list of my top 10 reasons to be thankful.

10 Reasons to Be Thankful

1. Thankfulness helps others.

Everyone has a need and desire to be appreciated—that includes spouses, children, parents, friends, coworkers and even the strangers we meet in passing. When we express gratitude for others, we meet their needs, lift their spirits, and make them feel validated. 

2. Thankfulness creates contentment.

The culture we live in constantly tells us that buying and doing more is the key to enjoying our lives. But here’s the deal, you guys: It’s a great big lie. The real key to feeling joy and satisfaction about where we are in life is contentment. It’s true that distractions can make it difficult for us to appreciate what we have right now. But by choosing to be thankful, we can ignore those toxic messages and embrace contentment.

3. Thankfulness feels good.

Remember that happy Thanksgiving feeling we talked about earlier? Well, I’ve got some good news: We can keep feeling that way long after the turkey and dressing are gone. How? All we have to do is count our blessings and turn our hearts toward gratitude. When we do that, the warm and fuzzy feelings will follow

4. Thankfulness keeps us healthy.

All right, guys. Let’s be honest—the holidays can be super stressful. There’s a lot going on, from endless parties to figuring out how to make a Christmas budget for all the gifts we want to buy. Even though the holidays can be a time of anxiety for many of us, reflecting on what we’re thankful for is actually a great way to reduce holiday stress.

When we stop focusing on what we don’t have and start focusing on everything we do have, our shoulders relax and we invite peace, patience and health into our lives.

5. Thankfulness cultivates humility.

Arrogance and ungratefulness go hand in hand. Luckily, the opposite is also true: There’s a huge link between humility and thankfulness. When we choose to be thankful for the big and small blessings in our lives, it helps us to be more humble and gracious.

6. Thankfulness is contagious.

In the same way that fear and worry are contagious, so is a spirit of gratitude. Think about it: When we see others being grateful, we’re inspired to be grateful as well. And when our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers experience our thankfulness, they’ll also be inspired!

7. Thankfulness produces positivity.

When we’re thankful, we naturally become more positive people. I get it—there are endless little daily annoyances that can bring us down and steal our joy. But when we’re intentionally thankful, our thoughts naturally focus on the good in other people and in our everyday lives.

8. Thankfulness promotes generosity.

It’s tough to be generous when we’re constantly focused on our own needs. But when we’re thankful for what we have, we can give to others more easily. And when we realize how blessed we are, we can confidently and joyfully become a blessing to others.

9. Thankfulness boosts likability.

Do you like hanging out with people who are ungrateful and entitled? Nope, I didn’t think so. But my guess is you love spending time with people who are grateful and down-to-earth because people like that are super pleasant to be around. Guess what? You can be one of those people when you practice thankfulness. When you’re a thankful person, others will see you in a positive light and want to be around you.

10. Thankfulness displays God’s character.

The Bible is full of passages on gratitude and thankfulness—commands, parables, prayers, you name it. You know what that tells me? Thankfulness is really important to God. When we actively practice gratefulness, we become more of who God wants us to be. Plus, we get to connect with Him through our prayers of gratitude.

We All Have Plenty of Things to Be Thankful For.

Here’s the bottom line: We all have a lot of things to be thankful for in our lives, and that includes you! Whether it’s something simple like your favorite T-shirt or something bigger like a career you’re passionate about, I know you have plenty to be grateful for.

The cool thing about gratitude is it’s available to all of us and completely within our control. It’s not a special gift that some people have and others don’t or a feeling that only floats through the air at the end of each November. Nope—thankfulness is a choice, and it’s one you can make all year long.

Source: ramseysolutions.com ~ By  ~ Image: ramseysolutions.com

The Secret To Lacking Nothing

Cultivate An Abundance Mindset

How To Cultivate An Abundance Mindset

Henry Ford famously said, ”Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.”

People have waxed lyrical for millennia around the notion that how you think directly influences your feelings, actions, and behaviors. Buddha once said, “With our thoughts, we create the world.” Lao Tzu said, “When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you”. And Chicken Soup for the Soul author, Jack Canfield wrote, “You only have control over three things in your life, the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.

Now there’s a wide range of quantitative research to back up how critical our mindset is to achieving success, boosting everything from sports performance and stress management, to how you learn and even how long you’ll live. It turns out that adopting an ‘abundance’ mindset over a ‘scarcity’ mindset could well be the key to realizing your dreams for work and play.

What is an abundance mindset?

Coined by Stephen Covey (best-selling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) in 1989, having an ‘abundance’ mentality means you think there are plenty of resources out there for everybody to share equally. In other words, if you believe the glass is half full, rather than half empty.

Those who hold a ‘scarcity’ mentality believe there’s only a finite amount of water in the glass, and you can never refill it. If someone takes a large gulp, that means there will be less for everyone else. Forever. In other words, when someone else wins, you lose. Studies show this kind of thought pattern leads to lose-lose scenarios across the board. For example, one Harvard study found that focusing intently on one thing leads to missing other opportunities right in front of your nose.

Scarcity makes you myopic, focusing on present limitations rather than future possibilities. Someone with a scarcity mindset engages in short-term, limited thinking—there can never be enough promotions, resources, information, money, time, or creativity for everyone to succeed, so you better hoard what you can for yourself now.

Developing an abundance mindset means being open to every possibility, listening without judgment, and brainstorming win-win solutions that give everybody more to work with. For those who opt to live life to the full, big thinking is in their DNA. As the famous saying goes, the secret to having it all is believing you already do.

Thinking makes it so.

Whether you see the road ahead as paved with scarcity or filled with abundance at every turn is up to you. You can choose which path you travel. Here are six ways to make the mind shift from scarcity to abundance today:

1. Count your blessings.

Actively thinking about what you’re grateful for in your daily life has the power to switch your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Research by the world’s leading expert on gratitude, UCal professor of psychology, Robert Emmons, has found that regularly expressing gratitude improves your mental and physical well-being, and boosts happiness levels, relationships, and productivity for the long term. When you’re grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears, explains Tony Robbins. And, best of all, you don’t need anything special to start—simply take a little time each day to say what you’re grateful for. It can be as simple as a good night’s sleep.

2. Learn to recognize possibilities.

If you believe something’s impossible for long enough, eventually you train your brain to stop looking for opportunities. Thankfully, you can retrain your inner critic by consciously expanding your awareness. Cultivating an abundance mindset means seeing more—options, choices, and resources. Notice what ideas typically circulate through your head. Whenever you catch a negative train of thought, try to reorient it—how can you counter a scarcity mentality towards abundance?

3. Take the busy out of business.

How often have you responded “Busy!” when someone asks you how you are? But when we do so, we reinforce a scarcity mentality—that there’s just not enough time in the day for us to do everything we want to do. Yes, our world’s limitless demands and distractions make it seem as if life has sped up faster than we can manage. However, the stories we tell ourselves, and each other also shape our reality. The path to abundance means noticing the language we use daily and reframing it more positively.

4. Go for growth.

According to psychologist Carol Dweck, nurturing a growth mindset leads to greater success—whether in life, career, or relationships. “In a growth mindset, people believe that they can develop their most basic abilities through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment,” Dweck writes. Ultimately, it isn’t about how good you are at something, but how good you want to be. If you believe your talents are fixed in stone, you’ll never see or relish opportunities that challenge you to change and grow.

5. Observe the abundance surrounding you.

We’re all wired to focus on threats—our ancestors used their healthy regard for potential danger to ensure their survival (and therefore ours!). However, with the likelihood of encountering a sabretooth tiger in the boardroom next to nil, it’s time to counteract the tendency to focus on the negative—especially when the research shows us an abundance mindset can improve and prolong our lives! How do you turn a difficult situation around? Look at it again from a holistic perspective. Focus on what’s working and decide how to boost the positive outcomes instead of focusing on the negative.

6. Find your abundance tribe.

We’ve all met individuals who seem perpetually energized, focused on growth, and endlessly optimistic. Spend more time with them! The company we keep has a direct effect on our state of mind—if you surround yourself with scarcity-minded people, it’s so much harder to stop thinking that way yourself.

When you’re looking to cultivate more abundant thinking, it’s essential to acknowledge that your mindset continually evolves with your experiences. Remember, no one is perfect—a ‘pure’ abundance mindset doesn’t exist—and thinking otherwise may reduce the benefits you seek by setting you up to fail.

However, with a consistent commitment to expanding your awareness, remaining mindful of when you’re working from a scarcity mindset, and persistently focusing on possibilities rather than limitations, you can transform your life with abundance.

Source: thedesigncoach.com.au ~ By: Andrew and the TDC Team ~ Image: Canva Pro

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