Create Leveraged Income online

Create Leveraged Income online

Leveraged income is a type of income that is generated from assets or businesses that require little or no ongoing effort to maintain. This means that you can create income streams that continue to generate revenue even while you are sleeping or taking a vacation.

There are many different ways to create leveraged income online, but some of the most popular methods include:

  • Selling an online course. Online courses are a great way to create leveraged income because they can be sold over and over again to new students. Once you create an online course, you can continue to generate income from it for years to come.
  • Creating a digital product. Another way to create leveraged income is to create a digital product. This could be an eBook, a template, a software program, or any other type of digital asset. Once you create a digital product, you can sell it online through your website or through a marketplace like Amazon.
  • Starting a membership site. A membership site is a website that provides exclusive content or services to its members. This could include access to articles, videos, online courses, or other premium content. Membership sites can be a great way to create recurring income because members are typically billed on a monthly or annual basis.
  • Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a business model where you promote other people’s products or services and earn a commission on each sale that you generate. This is a great way to create leveraged income because you do not have to create your own products or services.
  • Creating an app. Apps can be a great way to generate leveraged income. Once you create an app, you can sell it through the app store or make money through in-app advertising.
  • Building an audience. If you have a large audience, you can generate leveraged income through advertising, sponsorships, or product sales.

Creating leveraged income online takes time and effort, but it can be a very rewarding experience. By following the tips above, you can create income streams that will provide you with a steady stream of income for years to come.

Here are some additional tips for creating leveraged income online:

  • Choose a business model that is scalable. This means that you should be able to increase your income without increasing your workload.
  • Automate as much of your business as possible. This will free up your time so that you can focus on other aspects of your business.
  • Market your business effectively. The more people who know about your business, the more likely you are to generate income.
  • Be patient. It takes time to build a successful business. Don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately.

With hard work and dedication, you can create leveraged income streams that will provide you with a steady stream of income for years to come.

Here are some specific examples of leveraged income online:

  • Online courses. Online courses are a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others and generate income. You can create an online course on any topic that you are passionate about and that you have expertise in. Once you create an online course, you can sell it through your website or through a marketplace like Udemy or Teachable.
  • Digital products. Digital products are another great way to generate leveraged income online. Digital products can include eBooks, templates, software programs, or any other type of digital asset. Once you create a digital product, you can sell it online through your website or through a marketplace like Amazon.
  • Membership sites. Membership sites are a great way to create recurring income online. With a membership site, you can provide exclusive content or services to your members. This could include access to articles, videos, online courses, or other premium content. Members are typically billed on a monthly or annual basis, which can provide you with a steady stream of income.
  • Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great way to generate income online without having to create your own products or services. With affiliate marketing, you promote other people’s products or services and earn a commission on each sale that you generate. This is a great way to start generating income quickly, as you do not need to create any of your own content or products.
  • Apps. Apps can be a great way to generate income online. Once you create an app, you can sell it through the app store or make money through in-app advertising. Apps can be a great way to reach a large audience and generate income.

These are just a few of the many ways to create leveraged income online. If you are looking for a way to generate passive income, then these methods are a great place to start.

I hope this helps!

Image: Canva Pro

3 Must-Have Views Toward Money

Must-Have Views Toward Money

When you see wealthy people who seem to have complete financial independence, do you say to yourself, “One day, that’ll be me”? Then, do you go back to your job or business and try to work your way up the income ladder so that “one day” will actually come?

But when it doesn’t come as soon as you’d like, do you start to wonder why your climb to financial freedom and true wealth seems an infinite distance you can never achieve?

Do you wonder whether the lifestyle of the wealthy is only for those whose stars have aligned — an enviable perch they’ve obtained merely because they were at the right place at the right time?

You should stop wondering. The truth is that the bottom line to creating wealth is not about how much you earn, but what you do with the dollars you earn. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. What matters is the attitude you have toward money, and how you treat it. Here are three views toward money you must first adopt before putting in the extra effort it will take you to become financially independent:

1. Dollars are chess pieces.

Yes, think of them as actual soldiers on the battlefield that can make strategic moves for you and do a lot of your heavy lifting. That means you can put them to work in multiple ways. Truly financially independent people are very good at this, and with practice you can be too.

Whether you are still an employee or a business owner makes no difference. When you get paid, you need to allocate a certain number of those dollars to go back out there in the field and get dirty. You need to invest back into your company. To buy some real estate. To pay someone to do the tasks that bog you down so you can focus on your craft, which will bring in more money.

Treat these dollars like the chess pieces that they are and get them working for you, so that you can bring in more to create more chess pieces. Do you see how this works? It may be hard to develop this habit at first, but with practice, you’ll get really good and it will become second nature. You’ll start to look at every buck as an opportunity for financial growth. It’s actually kind of addicting!

2. Small leaks can sink the ship.

Many people think that “a few bucks here and a few bucks there” are no big deal. So they go out to dinner more than they should, because it’s “not that much.” Well, I have news for you. When you do that math on a monthly basis, the numbers are clear. Fifteen or twenty dollars of impulsive purchases throughout the week can lead to hundreds of dollars spent per month.

Also, all of those fixed monthly expenses that don’t really matter should be closely examined and possibly terminated. For example, you could start running outside and getting a few weights for the house in place of that $50-per-month gym membership. Or get Netflix for $8 per month instead of paying $129 for cable. These charges turn into thousands of dollars per year that could have been working for your wealth instead ofagainst it.

The sooner you assess exactly what your small (and unnecessary) purchases total on a monthly basis, the sooner you’ll realize that you need to make some changes to eliminate those that will keep you from your financial goals.

You can also refer back to the first point here and realize that if you put those excess dollars to work in the right places, you could get to where you want to go a whole lot faster.

3. Don’t trade hours for dollars.

Even if you are in an industry that allows you to charge hundreds of dollars per hour, you still need to be there to get paid. You have to show up and perform to get your paycheck. And there is nothing wrong with that. But if you want financial independence, you need to figure out ways to duplicate yourself and/or bring in income without having to be physically there.

So, delegate. Delegate, and bring on more employees to take over some of your tasks. Once you are freed up, you’ll have room to exponentially grow, while some of your teammates will be generating the revenue you need without your being there.

Another way to eliminate the “hours for dollars” problem is to create systems. Systems pay you 24/7. Again, your new system can involve teammates, software and other processes that are doing the work you used to do manually.

For example, early on in my career, I used to buy rental properties and do all of the management work which didn’t allow me to pursue newer, profitable deals. So, not paying someone to handle these daily tasks for me cost infinite amounts of money in opportunity cost.

Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t step over dollars to pick up nickels.

In sum, you want to view money as an ally and teammate that you work together with. Adopting these three simple views will have a dramatic impact on your future.

Source: ~ By: Nick Ruiz

7 Healthy Habits That Maximize Your Productivity Every Day

Maximize Your Productivity

Entrepreneurs usually keep a densely packed schedule that fits as much work as possible into their waking hours. There’s always something else to be done and more you’d like to achieve, so how do you keep your day running efficiently without being overrun by the demands on your time?

There are some tricks I’ve learned over my entrepreneurial journey that has served me well in running my day successfully. Not every day will stick to the routine, but if you commit to practicing these steps daily, you’ll get better at keeping them over time.

Here are seven steps I’ve learned for effectively running your day as an entrepreneur.

1. Start your day the night before.

The night before is really when your new day begins. I’ve found over the years that by approaching bedtime with a routine I can effectively start the next morning with all systems go. Begin by ensuring you know what’s on the calendar for the following day. Go over appointments, calls and any other important deadlines in the day so you have an awareness of what’s on the agenda.

Next, get anything you need in the morning set aside and ready at night. Bag packed, if you bring lunch — then lunch made and ready to grab, gym bag all set up to go, etc. Make sure whatever you need in the morning is as easy as grab and go.

Finally, set yourself up for sleep success. Make sure you turn off all electronics that could beep, buzz, or light up during the night and disrupt your sleep.

2. Move first thing.

Getting out of bed and making your body move gets the blood flowing and the brain synapses connecting again. If you aren’t in the habit of moving first thing when you get up, this may feel a little strange at first but trust me, it works. Even if you aren’t a morning person, grab your gym bag and hit the gym or put on your shoes and walk your dog for 30 minutes. Fresh air and movement start your body and your brain off on the right foot for the day. You’ll have more energy and a clearer head when you’re done.

3. Tame your brain.

Meditation or mindfulness practice is an essential workout for your head. It only takes 10 to 20 minutes in the morning to adopt a practice that can really help you effectively manage your day and your life. Meditation is proven in study after study to help you deal better with stress and improve the fluidity of your mind, meaning you have a more adaptable brain.

Work your head out every morning with some kind of mind-strengthening exercise. Try the Headspace app for a free introduction to what mindfulness and meditation can do for you.

4. Get help with staying organized.

If you aren’t an organized or punctual person, get the help you need to become one. This can be done with an organization app like Trello, WorkFlowy, or Evernote, or by hiring someone part-time to assist you with task, time, and calendar management. If you want an efficient day then you need to be organized.

5. Remember to eat.

Your body and your brain need fuel. Don’t forget that food is an important part of the day’s routine. This sounds simple but so many times entrepreneurs run themselves into the ground, skipping meals and forgetting to eat, only to grab the quickest (and often unhealthiest) thing they can eat on the go. Don’t fall victim to this trap. Snack frequently and remember to eat the right kind of healthy, nourishing food you need to stay energized all day.

If you struggle, there are snack prep delivery options like Nature Box or home delivery healthy meal prep options like Blue Apron where literally everything you need for dinner is delivered to your door.

6. Batch your time.

Time batching is an efficient way to get the uninterrupted productivity time you need. Ensure that there’s at least one hour, preferably two, of batched time for you to problem-solve, think, brainstorm, and otherwise handle the work you need to do without being disturbed. It’s a highly efficient way to get a lot done in small bursts of productivity.

7. Disconnect from work.

Last but not least, when you leave work in the evening, try to disconnect from work. This may be less important when you’re still young and single, but it becomes a crucial lifestyle practice when you have a partner or a family. Your time outside of work greatly contributes to your time at work, so give your significant other and family the focus and attention they need and leave the office work at the office.

Source: ~ Author: Adam Toren ~ Image: Canva Pro

What Ambition Is And How To Maintain A Healthy Sense Of It

How To Maintain A Healthy Sense Of Ambition

Ambition is a quality that can motivate an individual and drive their actions toward a particular goal. It can help a person push themselves to engage in hard work and take risks in order to reap specific rewards. Read on to understand what characterizes ambition, how to tell the difference between healthy and potentially unhealthy levels of this trait, and strategies for balancing it in your life.

What Is Ambition?

Ambition is defined as “a desire to achieve a particular end”, but it can also refer to “an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power”—which hints at how varied manifestations of this quality can be. Ambition can be the driving force behind the choices you make, pushing you to achieve your goals. However, a person’s goals and the way ambition plays out in their lives can vary widely.

For instance, two artists may both have strong ambitions and be very motivated to achieve their goals. However, one’s primary goal might be to inspire others, so they focus on getting their art displayed in free, public places. The other might be driven primarily by a desire to achieve wealth or fame, driving them to focus on networking and publicity so they can get a place in well-known galleries or museums. Regardless of the specifics, ambition can help a person work toward their greatest aspirations.

The Potential Benefits Of Ambition

A healthy sense of ambition can have a positive impact on an individual’s life and even on their community. Potential benefits of ambition can include the following.

A Sense Of Purpose

When you have a clear goal, you may be more focused on and motivated to work towards it. Ambition may help you prioritize your actions and make decisions that bring you closer to your goal.


Ambition can also give you the energy you may need to persist when you encounter obstacles. When you are ambitious, you might be more likely to take calculated risks and continue to pursue your goals, even when the path is unclear or arduous. This kind of resilience and determination could be critical for success, as they can keep you on track even when times get tough.

Personal Growth

Ambition can potentially foster personal growth and self-discovery. You often learn more about yourself and your capabilities when you challenge yourself and push beyond your comfort zone. This kind of growth can allow you to develop new skills and reach new levels of success, which might fuel your ambition further and equip you to achieve additional goals in the future.

Life Achievements

Ambition can help you get where you want to be in life. If your aim is to hit certain career, financial, relational, or creative milestones, for example, a healthy dose of this quality may help you get there.

A Positive Impact On Society

Finally, ambition can inspire people to make a positive impact on the world, whether through philanthropy, activism, or other forms of service. It can give someone the persistence they may need to effect meaningful change to benefit the lives of those around them.

The Possible Dark Side Of Ambition

While ambition has the potential to bring many benefits, excessive or unchecked levels of this trait can lead to negative outcomes. Too much ambition can lead to stress, burnout, and debilitating perfectionism. In extreme cases, it may also lead to unethical behavior such as cutthroat competition, the manipulation of others, or breaking the law. That’s why it’s generally ideal to look for a healthy balance between striving for success and taking care of yourself and others.

Tips For Cultivating A Healthy Sense Of Ambition

To help yourself find a middle ground between not having enough ambition to achieve your goals and having so much that you burn yourself out, consider the following tips for cultivating a healthy sense of it:

  • Set realistic goals. Identifying what you want to achieve is the first step in working toward almost any goal. Ensuring your goals are realistic can help you avoid pushing yourself past your limits as you work toward them. Using the SMART goals framework may be helpful in this process.

  • Celebrate your progress. As you go, you might celebrate small wins along the way and acknowledge the hard work and effort you’re putting forth. This strategy may help you combat perfectionism or a “never-enough” mindset, which can lead to negative thought patterns and burnout.

  • Prioritize self-care. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being as you work toward your goal can also help you avoid burnout. This might look like making time for activities that bring you joy, help you feel relaxed, or benefit your overall health, such as exercising, meditating, or spending time with loved ones.

  • Stay adaptable. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes things don’t go as planned. Being open to adjusting your goals, timeline, and/or approach if necessary can help you achieve your aspirations in the face of obstacles and not get too discouraged when things don’t go as you envisioned.

Source: ~ Image: Canva Pro

9 Proven Tips on How to Be More Ambitious in Life

How to Be More Ambitious in Life

Often referred to as the fire in your gut, ambition is a priceless, timeless, and highly valuable characteristic. It is something that you can create within yourself. It is the raw desire to achieve or succeed in a goal. Ambition can be used as fuel for motivation. It can be combined with a determination to achieve success in literally anything you want. People who are successful in life are described as ambitious. They attract attention and get the best out of life at every turn. You may feel that your life lacks the excitement of achievement. Do you want to join their elite club and be a mover and shaker today? Here is how to be more ambitious in life and achieve more.

Do not be scared to take risks

One of the things to do so as to become more ambitious is to take risks. You have to be comfortable in risk. Sometimes, you may have to take a leap of faith or bet everything on one decision. In most cases, you will find that the situation you are most afraid of will actually not happen. To become more ambitious in life, you need to give yourself the opportunity to explore and experiment with many options at a time. You could have a big opportunity waiting for you right around the corner if you simply try out for it. According to psychiatrist Neel Burton, ambition makes you willing to experience fear or anxiety and tolerate it. All that you need to develop ambition is consistent drive. Therefore, find out the risks in your life which you can take to achieve more. After that, find out the fear which is holding you back. Once you do this, create a drive within you and face it head-on. This will make you ambitious.

Exercise your imagination

Often encouraged in children, imagination is a beautiful thing. It can help you to escape the mundane nature of day-to-day life. It can also be a useful tool for overcoming negative thoughts. Ambition is a state of being. Whenever you are facing challenges, this state can dwindle. In such times, imagination is your best friend. Imagine the pain away. Military personnel and extreme sports people understand and confess the power of mind over matter. When you feel down and tired, repeat something encouraging to yourself and imagine better times. Experiment by saying and thinking only positive things for 3 days only. You will experience a transformation and develop boundless ambition.

Be willing to invest time into your goal

Time is the most important resource. When invested wisely, it has the best returns. The more time you invest in a project, the faster it grows and becomes better. To become more ambitious, identify a project and work for long hours so as to complete it. People who achieve a lot in life are always willing to do this. They have so many things that they want to accomplish. Hence, they sleep late and wake up early. Do the same and experience the fatigue of working hard for your goal. You will not have to do it forever but you will have to do it in the first stages of your success story.

Expose yourself to new methods of thought

One of the main killers of ambition is group thinking. This is where you accept popular opinion as your own. Group thinking collects the fears and anxieties of the masses and instills them in members. Therefore, you should break away from this method of thinking so as to become more ambitious. Seek to be your own unique person and not blend in with the crowd. This helps you to observe life from a free, unbiased perspective. In this way, you can see opportunities that other people will easily miss. By pursuing them with literally no competition, you will achieve more and eventually become ambitious.

Eliminate negative thoughts and promote positive ones

Thoughts are things. The topics which we think about affect us more than we know. Thoughts affect how we feel and consequently how we work. We all have a constant train of thoughts in our minds. Some are positive and others are negative. Negative thoughts create emotional barriers such as doubt and fear. However, positive ones help us to move forward. They motivate us to experiment with something new, step out of our comfort zones and get excited about life.

Focus on attaining knowledge, not success and recognition

In every opportunity, you can seek to achieve knowledge or profit. You may achieve profit or lose it. However, you always learn something new from every experience. Focus on gaining knowledge. The process of learning, experimenting, exploring, and improving can give you constant motivation. It makes the journey worth it and keeps you interested. Therefore, maintain focus on learning from your experiences more than profiting from them. This will keep you motivated to achieve more in life.

Do not wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect

In life, you have two main options. You can either waste time and effort trying to make perfect plans or you can get ready and begin right now. Many people spend so much time in life waiting for a perfect moment and never achieve it. This is because it does not exist. Every moment is essentially what you make of it. As a matter of fact, a perfect start and an average one are the same if you achieve what you ultimately desire. To become an ambitious person, grab the moment and make it perfect. Focus all your energy and resources on it. Do not waste your time waiting for the myth of perfection. This will help you to achieve more in life.

Stay committed

Commitment is the willingness to do an activity when you had rather not. It is the stubborn willingness to stick to a particularly beneficial activity no matter what. Commitment is painful when conditions are challenging. However, it is an essential activity to perform so as to become ambitious. It requires that you sacrifice the pleasures of life. It makes you ask yourself what you are willing to give up so as to achieve what you desire. Develop a strict schedule to help you stay committed and you will achieve more in life. This will make you more motivated to continue.

Stop babying yourself

Ambition and action are bedfellows. You need to have them together so as to achieve any kind of progress. In some cases, you find that your actions are not bringing about the results you desire. Therefore, you decide to cut back and relax saying that you may be pushing yourself too hard. Under the guise of waiting for a perfect moment, you start to become lazy. This can lead to stagnation and depression too. Therefore, stop being so relaxed about your goals. Do not baby yourself. Push into the unknown and do what needs to be done to get where you want even if you are afraid to do it. This will help you to achieve more.

The Important Takeaway

Ambitious people seem not to have any limits. They do not let fear hold them back. By identifying goals, creating schedules to achieve them, and staying committed, they achieve more in life. The guidelines above can help you to do exactly the same. Learn and apply them in your life. They can bring about the positive change that you desire.

Source:  ~ Image: Canva Pro

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