7 Rules to Live by for Those Who Live With Passion

Know the Rules

There are many ways to live life — there is no right or wrong. However, some of us believe in living a life full of passion — a life where you never feel bored, stagnant, or stuck — a life where you’re constantly excited and inspired.

There are many ways to live life — there is no right or wrong. However, some of us believe in living a life full of passion — a life where you never feel bored, stagnant, or stuck — a life where you’re constantly excited and inspired. Without passion, life seems meaningless and mundane. To live a conventional life where we embark on a traditional job that doesn’t excite us is scary and dreadful. To live by the rules and marry someone boring is a life in imprisonment. You believe that to live is to always stimulate your senses, to feel, to experience, and to never be bored.

Below are the seven rules you live by.

1. Always find out what your passion is.

The first step to living a life full of passion is to find out what your passion is. Looking back to your childhood, you remember so vividly what you were passionate about, what you could spend hours on without feeling lonely, and what you felt proud of achieving as a kid. As you grow up, sometimes you feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities you have to take. But no matter how busy you are, you always find an interest outside of your role at work or your role as a family member. You always find your passion and make time for it. And if you’re lucky, you can successfully turn your passion into a career.

Your passion keeps your heart beating. It gives you room to breathe and space to relax — truly an inspiring gift to your soul!

2. Get obsessed with your passion.

Once you’ve discovered your passion, you give it all you’ve got and get to know it inside and out. Your passion becomes a huge part of who you are — a part of your identity. It is something you feel proud to call “your interest” as it helps build up your self-image and self-esteem. Even if you start out as an amateur or a beginner, you are determined to become an expert in it. You live and breathe it. It is almost always magical when you bump into someone who is as passionate about the same thing as you are. Your eyes light up when you talk about your passion. You feel energetic and enthusiastic about it. Even when your body is tired, your heart tells you to keep going. You can never imagine living a life without a strong passion for something.

You see the world through your passion — this is the only way you can live and the only way for you to really enjoy life.

3. Be open-minded and curious.

You live life with arms wide open and are open to opportunities especially in your field of passion. You try to listen and understand, rather than judge. By being open-minded, you get to learn more and experience more — shaping your perspective to see things from all angles and to find beauty in different things. Your inspiration is fueled by your curiosity. Your creativity is driven by your desire to learn.

You love meeting new interesting people who live with passion and are curious to learn more. The world contains limitless opportunities and the path of discovery just never ends.

4. Be spontaneous

To live life according to plans is to live a boring life. Your definition of life planning is more of a strategic thought-out process that gives you the ability to assess which approach is best. However, you keep your plan flexible. You are ready to jump on the plane whenever you need to. You are willing to say yes to random and spontaneous opportunities presented in front of you. You are not scared to commit to a decision made on the spur of the moment. In fact, it excites you to just jump right into something and see where it takes you.

Jumping out of your comfort zone gives you an adrenaline rush. Knowing that you have the flexibility and freedom to fly and run wild gives you comfort.

Life is fun. So why not embrace it and be a little unpredictable, right?

5. Love fully and deeply

Your passion in life goes beyond just your enthusiasm for your topic of interest. Your passion penetrates all parts of your life including love. You love fully and deeply with a passion. You don’t let it go dry or stale. You always find ways to spice up your love life. Sometimes you feel vulnerable because of this. But it is the only way to truly feel the emotional side of yourself.

Mediocrity and dull are not in your dictionary. It is to love passionately or nothing at all.

6. Be inspiring

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. — Pablo Picasso

Passion is contagious and the only way to be truly fulfilled is to inspire others. As your passion gives your life purpose and meaning, it would be a shame to keep what you know and what you experience to yourself. Telling your life’s story or showcasing your creativity to the world is a way to pass on your passion. You want to inspire others to feel better about life and themselves. You want to inspire others to do more, be more, and achieve more. At the end of the day, to feel uninspired and hopeless is the worst feeling ever. As you are someone who lives with passion and finds happiness and life’s joy through it, you want to inspire others to feel the same way.

Source: huffpost.com ~ By

How To Live Life With Passion And Purpose

Live Life With Passion And Purpose

If you want to be successful and produce extraordinary results in life, you must live your life with passion and purpose. However, passion and purpose are two overrated principles most people buy into.

While it is true that passion and purpose are important in our life, they are not the Holy Grail to success. They are just part of the equation. You need more than just passion and purpose if you want to achieve outstanding results in your life.

However, that does not mean passion and purpose are not vital. Most of the time, it is our passion that drives us into taking action and doing our best. And it is our purpose that makes us feel like life is worth living and that we are going in the right direction.

In this article, you will discover the secrets of how to live life with passion and purpose that most people longed for.

Searching For Your Passion And Purpose

Most people have no idea what their passion and purpose are. They have no idea what they love doing and they do not know what they wanted to achieve in their lives.

Ever wonder why most people are not living extraordinary life right now?

If you have no idea what you want out of your life, you will never accomplish it. And if you don’t know what you are passionate about, you will live a boring life and you will never perform at your best.

Here are 3 ways how you can discover your passion and purpose:

1. The Shotgun Method

First, I call this the ‘shotgun method’. This method is best when you have no idea about what you want to do or where your passion is in life.

And just like a shotgun, you shoot with scatter bullets. You widen your perspective and you try out everything. Since you have no idea what you love doing or what you want to accomplish in life, you might just try everything and see what comes up.

How can you tell if something tastes good? The answer is simple, you eat it and you taste it. The same concept applies here.

When you have no idea where your passion is, try out everything and see what sticks.

When I first started this blog, I’m testing to see if blogging is my passion. I blog almost every day. And after a few months down the road, I still feel passionate about it. Hence, the more I blog, the more passionate I feel.

So you can apply the same principle to find out what you’re passionate about.

You can always start small. Like me, you can start a blog and talk about it.

Or you can record a video and put it up on YouTube. Create a Facebook fan page. And you can also get involved with other related activities. Attend a seminar and see if you like the idea of standing on stage and giving a speech to share your thoughts.

By the way, if you would like to start a YouTube channel, make sure to use Youtube Video Maker to help you with your video content. These days, there are a lot of software and tools available to help you create videos online and make your YouTube journey a bliss.

There are hundreds of ways you can try out things.

The key is to keep moving forward. Take some form of action and keep firing your shotgun. You want to keep throwing mud at the wall and see what sticks.

So keep shooting and keep moving forward until you know what is right for you.

2. Ask Deep Self-Discovery Questions

The second method to discover your passion and purpose is through asking self-discovery questions.

Questions are powerful because they make us think. Of course, not all questions have the same power.

If you want to get the right answer, you must ask the right question.

And don’t just answer the questions inside your head. Don’t just think about the answers, you have to ink them. You want to write them down.

This is why you need to get yourself a success journal.

When you write down your thoughts, you can return to them in the future. When you put down your thoughts into words, you make them tangible and you can see them more clearly from a bigger picture.

You are simply telling yourself that what you do is important and that is why you are writing them down. You will be more committed when you put your thoughts into words.

So are you ready to do some writing? Get your success journal ready and answer these 10 questions below. Remember, write down the answers.

      1. If everything goes smoothly, your favorite day will be like…
      2. If you have only 3 months to live your life, how would you live these 3 months?
      3. List down 10 things/events that make you feel happy and satisfied.
      4. List down your 5 hobbies. And if you have time, and money is not an issue, what is the one hobby that you will do?
      5. What is the ONE thing that you think you have a competitive edge that you can do much better than others?

The above 5 questions are meant to spark your thoughts and help you discover your purpose in life.

If you want more, you can go through this article here and do the 30 self-discovery questions.

The following 5 questions will be directed to discover your passion in life.

      1. If Bill Gates, one of the richest men on planet Earth decides to give you $1 billion, what would you do with that money? How would it change your life? What will you do differently? How will you spend your day?
      2. What are your 3 favorite topics to discuss? When you talk to people, what do you like to talk about the most?
      3. Who is your favorite guru? It can be anyone from Michael Jordan, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Nelson Mandela, or even your father or your kindergarten teacher.
      4. If your favorite guru can spend a year coaching you and teach you one thing that you can become extraordinary, what skill or which area you’d love to choose?
      5. What legacy do you want to leave behind? When you’re old, what would you love to tell your children?

Up to this point, you should at least have some ideas about what you are passionate about. If you don’t, go through this article and go for more.

Some of these questions are powerful and can be very thought-provoking. All you need is to treat this exercise as seriously as possible.

If you truly want to discover your passion and purpose in life, do this exercise. Don’t just read through the text. If you just do the reading, nothing is going to change. Write down the answer and see if it opens your mind.

3. The 7 Levels Deep WHY

This is one of the most powerful techniques to discover your real WHY and your purpose for what you want to do.

This technique is simple to do but to get the best result, do it with someone else. You can do this with your spouse, your colleague, your partner, or friends, or for the best result, do it with your mentor.

When you do this exercise with someone you respect, the result comes faster and you will discover your real deep purpose in why you want to achieve what you want in life.

All you need to do is to get someone to ask you the “why” questions 7 times.

For example, if you want to be financially free, get your partner to ask you why. “Why do you want to be financially free?”

Then you will get to answer, say, “I want to be financially free so that I will never have to worry about money and I can drive a better car.”

And then your partner will ask the why question again, “Why is it important that you want to drive a better car?”

The exercise goes down to 7 levels deep. Your partner has to ask you the why question 7 times.

And trust me, in the beginning, it will be easy. Your answer will be logical and it comes from your head. As you go deeper, you will start to feel it from within and answer from your heart.

You will feel emotional, and most of the time, the deeper it goes, the harder it is for your words to come out of your mouth. The reason is that you will speak from your heart, not from your head.

I have done this exercise before and I considered it one of the most profound techniques to discover your ultimate purpose behind what you want.

Of course, you and your partner who does this exercise must be committed and treat this as seriously as possible.

Now you have learned the 3 techniques on how to discover your passion and purpose in life, let’s talk about living them.

Living Life With Passion And Purpose

Living life with passion and purpose can be difficult. Passion is like fuel to power your car. Your passion is the energy that powers your dreams. And when you are living a passionate life, you are living a purposeful life.

The problem is that we are too busy with our everyday work and we tend to forget about our dreams, passion, and purpose in life.

Furthermore, most people listen too much to what others have told them. They follow the crowd and do whatever everybody is doing. And they wonder why life is boring because they are not living life on their own terms.

Here are 7 tips on how to live life with passion and purpose:

1. Make Your Life More Meaningful

Are you living a meaningful life? Is your life all about checking updates on social media? Is your life all about work and chasing to pay bills? Is your life boring and directionless?

People don’t feel purposeful and they are not living with passion when they don’t the life that they desire. Hence, you must create meaning in your life.

You have to define your ideal life, live it, and make it meaningful.

If something is not meaningful to you or if it is not important to you, you will never bother about it. Think about it, if a bicycle is not important to you, do you think you will own one or take care of it if you have one?

Not likely. The same goes for money, lovers, friendships, and everything in your life. When something is not important (not meaningful) to you, you will never bother about it.

People who say that money is not important, usually don’t have much of it. People who say that life is meaningless, usually live a boring and directionless life.

So, make your life meaningful. How? Use the self-discovery questions above to discover your ideal life and how you want to live it.

When your life is meaningful, you will tend to be more purposeful and go through your days with a passion.

2. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

You should stop comparing yourself to others. How others live their life has nothing to do with you. Most people try to compare themselves with their colleagues and friends. They want to know who is doing much better, who is earning more, and who is driving a better car.

Don’t! Stop comparing yourself with others. You can be poor and at the bottom of your career right now. However, that does not mean that you will be at the bottom forever.

Jack Ma, one of China’s richest men and the founder of Alibaba, once applied for a job at KFC and got rejected. If he was to compare himself with others, he would feel like a big failure. Luckily he didn’t. He chose to focus on what was possible and move on with his life.

You should do the same. Don’t compare yourself to other people. It will only make you feel miserable if you are not ‘there’ yet.

Plus, there’s nothing much to compare about, really. Someone who drives a better car does not mean that he is doing much better than you. It’s just a plain comparison and a material possession, nothing much.

Choose to believe in yourself. Where you are right now is just where it is right now. Things will change and you will change. You will never be where you are right now forever. You will move up the ladder and accomplish a better result.

It is just not your time yet. So stop comparing yourself with others, and move on with your own life.

3. Practice Journaling

There are plenty of benefits you can get from journaling. Not only that it can boost your creativity, but journaling also helps strengthen your self-discipline and able to evoke mindfulness.

Research has shown that people who experience a state of mindfulness tend to be more present in the moment and they have a better edge at actively directing their thoughts.

In other words, journaling helps to connect you and your deeper self. Take it as a practice that is able to remind yourself about what you want and how you did in life.

Again, if you need to get yourself a good journal, get this success journal from BestSelf

4. Practice Meditation

If you want to make your life purposeful, try meditation. And like journaling, meditation brings a lot of great benefits to your life.

Albert Einstein once said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, and he is absolutely right.

When you meditate, you are practicing how to actively direct your thoughts. You are cultivating the power of visualization.

You can visualize how you want your life to be like and what you want to accomplish in the future. And because our minds cannot differentiate the real from the fake, you will feel the energy flowing in you and act as if what you see in your head is real.

Thoughts are things. Whatever you want to achieve, you must first see it in your mind’s eye and then manifest it in the real world.

And meditation helps a lot in achieving this.

5. Enjoy The Moment

Live in the present. Your thoughts are not you. So, stop worrying too much about your future or being concerned too much about your past. What matters most right now, is this present moment.

If you watch the movie, Kung Fu Panda, there is a quote I like a lot.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it the present.”

You can check through all the best Kung Fu Panda quotes from my previous article.

Most people are too concerned with what has happened and what will be happening. That is why they are not living in the present.

They worry about their unpaid bills. They worry if the traffic is jammed. They worry about what if they can’t make it. And more.

When you have too much of worries in you, you will never live with passion and purpose.

Please understand that you cannot control everything in life. The only thing that you can control is yourself – your thoughts. So do just that.

I strongly suggest you read this article from Psychology Today about living in the present to learn more on this subject.

6. Work On Your Goals

One of the best ways to live a purposeful life is to work on your goals. Studies have shown that people feel the most satisfied and fulfilled when they are working toward a worthy ideal.

If you want to feel happy and satisfied, do something that will move you forward. This is especially true if the goal you are chasing is aligned with your purpose.

Try to go through a weekend without any purpose or anything to do. You will quickly feel bored, mundane, and directionless.

On the other hand, if you go through your weekend knowing what you should do, and what you want to accomplish and you actually act on it, you will feel purposeful and accomplished.

We often cannot separate living a purposeful life from the things that we want in life. When we are working toward our dreams, we are fulfilling our purpose.

This is why taking action and acting on our goals is important.

In fact, most people don’t feel purposeful because they are not doing anything about the things that they want in life.

Just work on your goals and by the end of the day, you will feel your life is worthy of living.

7. Contribute, Share, and Help Others

Another key to living a purposeful and passionate life is through contribution. It is almost the same as working toward your goals, you will feel accomplished and fulfilled.

It does not matter how much you contribute as long as you do it. You can donate if you have extra money. Or you can volunteer if you have additional time.

What if you don’t have the time and money to do all these? Simple, just be kind and helpful.

Help someone whose hands are full to open the door. Hold the lift for strangers. Smile and greet people you don’t know. Always be helpful and make people’s lives better.

When you do this random act of kindness, it makes you feel good too.

It makes you feel that your life is worth living and you are living on purpose and with passion. People who live life without passion will never act this way.

Trust me, helping other people who are in need is one of the greatest accomplishments in life. Thus, help more and give more.


You don’t have to put your life to the test to live it with purpose and passion. Follow the suggestions and tips given above to find out more.

Living your life with a clear purpose and passion is what everyone wants. However, this is not a one-time process. Your purpose and passion may change. So keep finding and don’t settle.

How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today

How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today

As human beings, one of our deepest-rooted desires is to have a meaningful and happy existence. You’ve probably heard of the saying, “Live your best life.” It’s good advice.

We all want to feel connected to both ourselves and others. We want to feel that we’re part of something important and that we’re making a difference in the world.

We want to look back at our lives and our achievements and be proud. In short, we want what the saying says: to live our best lives.

But what does it really mean to live your best life?

You are a unique individual, so living your best life is exclusive to you. Your best life will reflect your true values. It will be made up of what makes you happy and will be colored by what making a difference means to you.

What Stops You From Living Your Best Life?

While living your best life is all about you, what other people think can have an impact on your quest to live your best life.

Social media, for example, puts us under a lot of pressure. There are specific expectations of what “happy” looks like, and we’re under pressure to conform to what society expects.

For example, we are pressured to look a certain way, wear the “right” clothes, have exciting adventures with eye-catching friends, eat ethical and healthy food, and do charity work.

These are only a few of society’s expectations. It’s a long list.

Social media claims to connect us, but often it can do the opposite.

We can spend so much time worrying about what other people are doing, trying to live the life that society expects of us, that it can be easy to lose track of what makes us happy and what our best life actually looks like.

3 Questions to Ask About Living Your Best Life

For me, in the moments we faced death during that harrowing experience on the plane, I became intensely aware of these three questions by which I was judging how my life had been up to that point.


The love I felt in that moment for my husband, our loved ones who were on the ground, and all others in the world was truly profound. I became aware that love—both my ability to receive it and share it—matters more than anything else.


We each have a unique gift—the unique energy and essence that is who we really are. Each person has a unique gift to offer that no one else can or ever will again.

Living our best life means finding creative ways to share our best selves, whether in our work, our creative hobbies, or simply how we live.


It’s easy to focus on our worries and anxieties or the distractions of everyday life. However, when we remember our own mortality, we realize that each moment is a gift.

What matters most in the big picture perspective of our lives is very personal. However, figuring it out is how we uncover our formula for living our best lives.

Start the Journey

What does it look like to live your best life? The following are some practical tips and tools to move from living your current life to living your best life.


To live your best life, you must be the best version of yourself. Don’t try to be something or someone else. Don’t try to be what other people want you to be.

Focus on who you want to be. Play to your strengths and be proud of what makes you different. You are brilliant.

Gretchen Rubin, in her book Happiness Project, created her own commandments. The first one was “Be Gretchen.” This gave her permission to follow her gut feeling and make up her own rules.

For example, she stopped forcing herself to enjoy parties, cocktails, and fashion just because that’s what she thought society expected.

So, inspired by Gretchen, create your own commandment: “Be more YOU,” and remind yourself of this every day, unapologetically.


To work out what the best you looks like, you must get to know yourself better. It’s your best life after all – not anyone else’s.

Start to notice how you respond to various situations. What are your habits? What makes you happy? What frustrates you? How do you behave under pressure? What gives you energy? What drains you?

Spend a week simply noticing. Write your observations down so you remember.


As part of your observations, start to notice your bad habits. Consider the things that don’t ultimately make you feel good.

Does scrolling mindlessly through Instagram make you happy? For 5 minutes, perhaps, but for longer?

That last glass of wine was delicious, but do you pay the price later?

That chocolate was enjoyable at the moment, but now that the sugar high is over, are you feeling regretful?

Observe yourself first. Then, start to deliberately do more of the things that make you happy and give you energy.

At the same time, work on reducing then eliminating the habits that squander your time, drain your energy, and ultimately don’t make you happy.


After having thought about what makes you happy and what drains your energy, focus on what living the best life looks like for you.

One of the keys to this is being intentional about it. When you deliberately set intentions, you are more likely to act with purpose and drive.

Setting intentions is different from setting goals. Goals are your list of things you want to achieve. You can set them daily, monthly, yearly, or a combination.

A common practice is to define goals and write them down. This makes them more tangible and makes you more accountable, therefore, making the goals more likely to happen.

The subtle yet important difference between goals and intentions is that when setting intentions, you decide what kind of positive feelings and emotions you are seeking.

For example, “This week, my intention is to approach my admin tasks with gusto in order to complete them more quickly.”

Intentions can be more motivating than goals because if you don’t achieve your goal, it can feel like a failure and can ultimately hold you back.

If you don’t achieve your intention to approach something in a specific way, you can more easily regroup and have another try.

Write down your intentions every month, week, or day, using whichever time frame works best for you.

For example, “I intend to enjoy going swimming three times this week” or “I intend to assertively build my network in my local area this month.”

Setting intentions gives you something to focus on, and it also helps to manage the feeling of being overwhelmed that often happens when we set ourselves goals.


Visualization can help you to cement your intentions. It involves visualizing how it would feel to live your best life once you achieve it.

It can help you to further establish what you want and allow you to settle into a positive mindset.

To visualize, first choose your focus. Choose a specific intention and how you will feel once it is accomplished. Then, take the time to daydream and allow your imagination to wander.

For example, if your intention is going swimming three times a week, imagine what you will look and feel like:

    • What will you wear?
    • How do you get there?
    • What time of day do you go?
    • How do you feel when you’re in the water?
    • How do you feel afterward?

Ask yourself these little questions and allow yourself to feel the same feelings you would feel if you were currently fulfilling your intention.

16 Ways to Live Your Best Life

Now that you’ve decided and visualized what your best life looks like, let’s look at some more practical steps you can take to achieve it.


Whatever you do, focus. If you swim, swim. If you study, study. Multitasking is a myth. It’s not possible to do more than one thing at a time well. Focused work is the least tiresome and the most productive type of work.

Michael LeBouf, the author of The Millionaire in You, said,

“Winners focus, losers spray.”


Taking action can feel scary. We fear failure, but we can also fear success. It can be easy to feel too busy to achieve your intentions.

However, you have the choice to take action and live your best life or stay the same. It’s up to you, so take responsibility to take action.


Every day is a new opportunity to live your best life. We so often get stuck because we put things off.

We can think, “When I’ve lost 10 lbs I’ll go swimming,” or “When I feel more confident I’ll look for a new job,” or “When I get my new running shoes I’ll start running.”

How about starting from where you are? How about using what you already have?

We often put off taking action until we have the newest phone/camera/game/course/book/shoes as if they are the keys to happiness. In the process, we forget about what we already have.

Grab the camera that you have, put on your old running shoes. Go and do something interesting today with what you’ve got. Fancier gadgets, better clothes, or a slimmer body won’t make you better. Action will.


Research has revealed that a simple way to be happier and live your best life comes from developing the ability to fully experience each moment. Mindfulness is the ability to observe the present moment without judging it.

Mindfulness has many impressive benefits for physical and mental health. Diabetic patients who were taught mindfulness skills experienced lower blood sugar and increased happiness.[1]

Mindfulness on the job has been proven to reduce exhaustion and increase job satisfaction.[2]

Mindfulness is not difficult to learn and is something we can do in a moment. Right now, take a deep breath, and notice how the breath feels as it is going into your lungs.

How does your body feel? Are your muscles stiff or relaxed? Do you feel warm or cold? Use your five senses to describe your immediate experience.

Use your five senses to describe how your body feels and your immediate experience. This is all it takes to be fully present.


This applies to the environment you live in as well as the people you spend time with. Use Marie Kondo’s decluttering method of asking, “Does it bring you joy?”

If your answer is yes, you keep the item. If you hesitate or say no, you donate it or throw it out. Simple.

This also applies to people. If there are people in your life that make you feel bad, drain your energy, and don’t bring you joy, let go of them.

Instead, spend time with the people and activities that give you energy and make you feel good.


When we’re busy, we can forget to appreciate what we have. Take time to focus on the simple things. Even when you’re feeling low, there’s always something to be grateful for.

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.[4] Be deliberate in being grateful for what you do have, rather than resentful of what you don’t.


Journaling is simply writing your thoughts down.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, writing your thoughts and feelings down on paper not only helps you get your thoughts in order, but it can also help ease symptoms of depression and manage stress and anxiety.[5]

In the chaos of life, it is easy to overthink, feel anxious, or not appreciate what you do have. Journaling can help you manage your thoughts and feelings and productively cope with life.

Be curious and keep learning. Ask more questions and keep pushing yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and learn.

What are you interested in or curious about? Perhaps it’s learning more about where you live, or reading up on a particular topic? Maybe it’s traveling to a new town or country?

According to Dan Pink’s research, learning is a key motivator.[6] Whether you feel like you’ve gotten stuck in a boring routine or you’re stressed by the tasks of daily life, learning something new is a way to step outside yourself and your comfort zone.

Create a bucket list of all the things you’d like to do and learn and the places you’d like to go to, and start ticking them off.


Being kind to others makes them feel good, and it also releases chemicals in your body that make you feel good. Think about a time you gave someone a gift that they loved. How did you feel?

You don’t have to start giving people gifts to make someone’s day. Think about small, thoughtful gestures: a genuine compliment, opening the door, offering to help someone.

All these things can make a big difference in someone’s day.


Eat what nourishes you, including plenty of vegetables and fruit and food that’s natural and unprocessed. Drink plenty of water.

Exercise because you like it, not because you’re supposed to go to the gym.

Reject the idea that you have to push yourself really hard at exercise, and instead try out a variety of things – for example, walking the dog, gardening, yoga, swimming, or dancing.

Find what you enjoy. When you enjoy something, you’ll be motivated to do it more.

Get good rest! We’re all different in terms of the amount of sleep that we need. However, most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep.

If you’re not getting that much, then check out healthy sleep tips from the Sleep Foundation.


Most people have an inner critic that tells them they are not good enough, that they’re a fraud, and that they are going to be found out.

This happens especially when we step out of our comfort zone and change things. If you are living your best life, your inner critic likes to jeopardize that.

The next time it appears, acknowledge what’s happening and call it out. Whatever it is telling you, list all the reasons it’s wrong.


You may have set intentions to live your best life. However, life is not linear, nor does it work in lists. You must expect to be flexible and change the plan as life throws things at you.

The end game remains the same: to live your best life. It’s just the route to get there that will inevitably change.


One of the most powerful ways to connect with our true selves and experience positive emotions is through flow.

Flow is like mindfulness in action. Flow is when we are so engrossed in what we are doing that we get into a zone and stop thinking about anything else. We can experience this when playing an instrument, playing a sport, creating artwork, writing an essay, reading a book, etc.

Being in flow increases our happiness, helps us reach optimal performance, and boosts our creativity.

According to researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, one of the best things about flow is it puts happiness in our control.[8] Rather than being happy because of outer events, we are in flow as a result of an inner experience we create for ourselves.

Find things that transfer your mind to a flow state in order to start working toward living your best life.


Sometimes, life sends us curveballs we aren’t prepared for. It’s important to know how to get back to the center—to who we are and to reconnect with our goals and priorities. If you ever find yourself feeling off-course or negative, imagine hitting a pause button.

It only takes a minute to re-focus. Some great tips for resetting include stretching, taking a deep breath, setting goals or intentions, and then beginning again.

Knowing how to reset our energy is important when it comes to navigating minor distractions and major life changes for personal growth.


The COVID-19 pandemic showed us firsthand how important our social connections are. Community is an important factor in how happy we are with our lives, and our long-term well-being and health.

If you feel disconnected or like you want to strengthen your sense of belonging and improve your life, consider calling a different friend each day; joining a church or spiritual group, support group, or book club; or exploring cultural or community events that might be attended by other people with shared interests

To reconnect with favorite friends, try scheduling a weekly hike, coffee hour, Zoom call, happy hour, or email/text check-in.

We get what we put out there. Show up when people you love ask for help or seek connection. Let go and create healthy boundaries with people who drain your energy.


Exercise is an important key to staying healthy and happy and reaching your full potential. Research shows exercise can prevent depression, limit long-term illness, improve our moods, and increase our longevity.[9]

We now know that it’s not only exercise that matters, but also how we hold and move our bodies when we are going through the motion of our lives, including working at our desks. Recent research shows that simply sitting up straight can make us more likely to think positive thoughts about ourselves and what is possible for our lives.[10]


One of the best ways to live our best lives is to spend time in nature. From the benefits of vitamin D from sunlight, to simply getting outside of our own world and connecting with something greater, the benefits of nature are well-established.[11]

The more we learn, the more we realize how important it is to protect our natural spaces, parks, and trees, not just for our enjoyment, but also for our physical and mental well-being.


Live each day like it counts, and remember, it’s your choice. Your best life is unique to you. Don’t compare yourself to others – focus on living your best life, and enjoy the learning, exploration, and experiences along the way.

Source: lifehack.com ~ By: Lucy Bower ~ Image: Canva Pro

Top 5 Ways to Live Your Best Life Now

Ways to Live Your Best Life Now

1. Live in the present moment

Living in the present moment may be more difficult than it appears. Humans spend the majority of their time dwelling on the past or future because of our conditioning. Learning how to live in the moment can improve your general well-being and enjoyment of life. We can practice Mindfulness by looking around or stopping to “smell the flowers,” according to popular belief. By taking a moment to breathe in your current reality, you can fully immerse yourself in it and take notice of things that you might have overlooked before.

Although it may appear to be a simple process, multitasking is really difficult to master. During the day, juggling many things and diverting your attention to numerous distractions simultaneously prevents you from being fully present. You can recall details you might have overlooked by focusing your attention on one thing at a time rather than attempting to do multiple things at the same time. This also allows you to be grateful for what is going on and appreciate the details of that moment. Writing down things you are grateful for is also a great way to focus on the positive elements of your life and what is happening currently. This will allow you to accept the way things are and let go of the things that you cannot control.

Here are some techniques that help with practicing mindfulness before you look at your phone and start your day according to Daily Practices by Mindful

    1. When you wake up in the morning, sit in your chair or bed, close your eyes and concentrate on the sensations of your body and around you.
    2. Start your day with three deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
    3. Set your intention for the day by asking simple questions
    4. How might I show up today to have the best impact?
    5. What quality of mind do I want to strengthen and develop?
    6. What do I need to take better care of myself?
    7. During difficult moments, how might I be more compassionate to others and myself?
    8. How might I feel more connected and fulfilled?

During your day, check-in with yourself! Take a moment, take a breath and revisit your intention questions

2. Do Things You Love

What makes us happier than doing things we enjoy? We all have a finite amount of time to spend on anything, and we’re all aware of how important it is to be efficient with our time. Spend your days wisely by thinking about how you use your time and where you spend it. The things you do, and your surroundings have an impact on how much pleasure you get and how valuable you feel. You want to spend more time engaged in activities that contribute to your enjoyment and provide energy instead of taking it away.

Nature is a great way to heal yourself! According to Dr. Susanne Preston, a Clinical Mental Health Counseling instructor at South University, Virginia Beach “being outside and spending time in nature is good for a person’s mental health, as it allows them to de-stress.”

“Research has shown that spending time in nature has been associated with decreased levels of mental illness, with the strongest links to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, in addition to increased self-esteem,” Preston says.

Exploring and experimenting in your environment is a great channel for growth. Plus, you might find that you enhance your life with a new love for gardening or rock climbing.

3. Take care of your mental and physical health

Self-care is self-love! Taking care of yourself is the opposite of selfish and can look very different from person to person. It should inspire, enlighten and encourage you to live a life that makes you happy. By caring for yourself, you may live life more confidently, effectively, and enthusiastically.

Taking care of your physical self seems like a basic concept but is often overlooked. Physical self-care involves caring for yourself in terms of what you are consuming, how much exercise you are getting, your sleep habits, and making sure you are not just feeling good, but you are looking good as well. Physical activity is great for reducing stress, lowering health issue risks, managing your weight, and improving your mood. Physical health and mental health go hand in hand.

Your mental health matters! Often, mental health is overlooked. Now more than ever, it’s critical to look after your mental health in the face of the pandemic’s uncertainty. You can take care of your mental health by pinpointing what it is that you struggle with and asking for help. Researchers have discovered “that our brains have what’s known as “neural plasticity.” This means they could create new connections between nerve cells, allowing your brain to reroute, rewire, and grow. It also means your brain can climb out of those negative thought pattern rabbit holes and “rewrite” them to improve well-being.”

4. Build/repair meaningful connections

Meaningful relationships are at the very core of a happy human experience. We all want to be surrounded by people that bring meaning and love into our life. By being open and vulnerable, we can allow these types of relationships to take root in our life. Meaningful relationships do not happen overnight, they take time. We must give energy, time, and add value to these relationships for them to work.

Although they can be challenging, the quality of these relationships directly impacts the quality of our lives. Relationships must be nurtured and given our attention in-order to grow, otherwise they will only fall away.

5. Set healthy boundaries with yourself

Being an adult means setting boundaries for yourself. To keep yourself accountable, safe and healthy you must set boundaries and systems that aim to provide you with the best plan for happiness moving forward. By establishing these boundaries for yourself, even when they are not particularly enjoyable at that moment, you create a system that allows you to create a healthy structure for your life and monitor your behavior.

Boundaries are what keep you from staying out all night, eating fast food every night, and adding structure and discipline to your life which adds to your overall happiness. Setting boundaries is a sign that you love and respect yourself and want to keep yourself healthy at the cost of possible gratification. Boundaries add structure and keep your life in harmony.

Boundaries are different for everyone as our limits and needs differ for everybody. Determining your boundaries is up to you. Some examples of boundaries you can have with yourself include…

    • Limiting indoor screen time
    • No phones before bed
    • Not staying out late
    • Not drinking or eating in excess
    • Not eating out every night

Living your best life means becoming the best version of yourself, mentally and physically. Your mental and physical health go hand in hand and taking time to love and care for both of those elements of you is crucial to living a happy life. If you are struggling with your mental health, seek help! You are not alone and deserve to feel your best.

What Does It Mean To Live Your Best Life?

What Does It Mean To Live Your Best Life?

What does it mean to live your best life? This is a question that many people ask themselves when they are going through difficult times, or even times in which they feel are good but could be better.

There are so many things that can help anyone enhance their life to the fullest extent, like giving up social media, releasing expectations, and living in the now. But many other things are subjective and will vary from person to person.

Overall, there are 16 things you can personally do that will help lead you to living your best life. So read on to discover what it means and how you can do it!

What Does It Mean To Live Your Best Life? Discover Meaning, Motivation, and Support

The phrase “live your best life” may have been used many times prior to this, but its fame came from Oprah in 2005 when it was on the cover of O Magazine. Since then, it’s been used online, in self-help books, and in music of all genres.

Your best life is the one that you design for yourself. It’s about living your ideal life by making choices to be happy, healthy, and successful. Everyone’s best life is different, so your best life is unique to you and your story. What “living my best life” means for one person might not be the ideal at all for another.

There are certain aspects of a best life that apply to everyone, though, such as meaningful connections with others and contributing to your community in a meaningful way.

16 Steps to Living Your Best Life

The ideal way of living your best life is by putting in the work on a consistent basis because it’s not easy and there are always going to be challenges along the way. These 15 in-depth steps will help you stay on track and build the life of your dreams.

1) Discover your best self and embrace your strengths

What kind of person do you want to be? What are the best qualities that you would like to embody in order to live a happy life? The first step is discovering who you are by exploring what makes you tick and being honest with yourself about how your past has shaped your present. After this, explore what kind of best life you want to build in the future and what best qualities are needed to accomplish this feat.

You can do this through a self-reflection routine such as journaling, self-hypnosis guided visualization. This means knowing yourself in and out. Self-reflection doesn’t come naturally for some people, but it is absolutely necessary for living your best life.

2) Think about what you need in life.

What do you need? What are you lacking? You might need money or time to do what makes your best life. You might need to work on your stress management.

Do you have a job that makes it impossible for you to spend time with your family? Maybe this is why you’re feeling exhausted and unfulfilled at the end of each day. If being with your loved ones is important, then maybe you need a job that will allow you to work fewer hours.

3) Think about who you want to be around.

What kind of people do you enjoy spending time with? When you examine the type of person you like to have in your life you can see what you want to be like best. Do you love being around creative and inspiring people? Then live with that type of person or surround yourself with them as much as possible.

Do you enjoy spending time with laid back, humorous individuals who have a good sense of adventure? Think about the people who inspire, motivate, or bring out the best parts of yourself, whether they are a friend, your children, or your soulmate. Identify them and take steps towards living with or near these types. Make sure they are present so you can say “I’m living my best life”.

4) Get off social media

But you also want to choose how you interact with your favorite people. Social media is so detrimental to our mental health that it is definitely recommended that you limit or remove social media from your life altogether.

Basically, whenever you use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok, you think you’re getting a boost of self-esteem and self-worth, but in the end it makes you feel worse. Higher use of the platforms are actually associated with “anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments“.

That’s not the kind of life you want to be living! Be very selective about the social media platforms you choose to engage in, and how long you spend on those sites. The more you’re off the screen, the more you can live in the present moment.

5) Do things that are uncomfortable

Once you have a basis for who you are, what you’re best at, and who you want to be around, it’s time to get out of your comfort zone. Growth never happens in our comfort zone, so it’s crucial to be willing to try new things.

– Learn a language that you’ve never tried before
– Volunteer at a cause of charity near and dear to your heart
– Take a risk and tell someone how you feel about them

The best way to live your best life is by trying something new every day. You never know what you don’t like until you try it.

6) Practice gratitude

It’s easy to get frustrated when this ideal life you’re trying to build is taking a long time or doesn’t seem to progress. One way to counter that is by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is the practice that helps you see all the good things in your life. Think about what is going right, rather than what’s wrong or not as you want it to be.

You can also focus on how far you’ve come. On this journey, you will make tremendous progress, but it doesn’t always feel like you’re making progress fast enough. It’s good to take a step back and think about how far you’ve come already, so that the little things don’t bother you as much.

But be careful! Gratitude doesn’t mean that you look at how others have it worse than you. Only compare yourself to where you were yesterday.

7) Be frugal

When you’re trying to build this ideal, magical life, it can be tempting to spend all your money on things to make life better, easier, or more appealing to others.

But the truth is that these are just distractions from your true goal of living life to the fullest. Being frugal and saving money can make a big difference in the best life you can live. To save money, do your best to not use credit cards or get into debt and avoid eating out at restaurants all the time. You’ll be surprised how quickly you see savings grow!

Also, don’t forget to practice money affirmations!

8) Treat your body right.

An important step in building your ideal life is to prioritize your health. This means eating well and exercising.

Start by improving your diet to nourish your body. Choose nutritious foods that will fill you up without making you feel weighed down, like fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins (like chicken or fish). Experiment with different recipes to find one that best suits your taste buds while still keeping your best interests in mind, too.

When it comes to exercise, the best thing you can do is start small. Even just a few minutes of activity each day will help your body stay happy and healthy, as well as give you the opportunity to build up stamina so that exercise becomes more enjoyable over time. You might also choose an easy form of physical activity like walking or gardening and work your way up from there.

Good health and success are connected, so make sure you’re taking care of your body.

9) Make peace with your past.

This may very well be one of the most difficult tasks on your path to living your best life. You can’t move forward if you’re still holding on to things that happened in the past. Examining your past, your trauma, your mistakes, and the things you regret are not for the faint of heart.

This can be a messy, painful process. You may need to seek therapy and help from friends or family members in order to make peace with your past. But once you have made it through the other side of this process, you will find that not only does life seem a little less daunting, but also fulfilling on some new level.

10) Set goals.

Setting goals is a critical step in living the best life for you. Goals give you something to work toward even if they seem too difficult. They also help get your life on track by making sure that all aspects of your life are taken care of, including finances and career goals. You can set goals for anything from saving money to going on a date or traveling the world – it’s up to you!

When you’re living your best life, you want goals that are realistic yet push your life to new heights.

11) Believe in Yourself

Do not skip this step! You cannot proceed to build your best life if you don’t believe it’s attainable for you. Loving ourselves is a key factor in making anything possible.

– Consider your best attributes and skills
– Reflect on what you want to achieve and how it will make you feel when it is completed

It’s time that we start believing in ourselves, as hard as this may seem at times. If we don’t believe in ourselves then who else will?

12) Release any expectations you have.

In other words, you’ll need to be accepting of the outcome. We grasp onto all sorts of ideals, dreams, and even people, thinking that if we live without them, that we’ve somehow failed. That end destination, that end goal becomes so essential to our being that we lose living in the moment and so many joyful, wonderful things pass us by on the journey because we were so fixated on something else.

But sometimes, when we’re focused on the journey and life gives us something different, we discover that it was actually better. Giving up your expectations for living your best life can be hard, but it can also be liberating.

13) Make the world a better place for others.

If there is something I believe in ardently it is that people are not meant to be islands. We don’t live for only ourselves. Independence is a myth. We’re meant to live together with others, supporting each other and working together.

Making someone else happy, relieving their suffering, and working toward a better future for our children are ways that we can bring our special unique talents to benefit the lives of others.

14) Live in the present moment.

We set goals for the future and think about this ideal future we’re creating, but the problem comes when we spend too much time in that future ideal world.

A part of releasing expectations is living in the present moment. Truly living life in the present moment means to live in the best of now.

Living in the present moment means to enjoy what’s happening right now and not worry about anything else. You are able to live your best when you’re living presently.

15) Know what motivates you.

Knowing what motivates you is an important step in living your best life. When you know what motivates you, you’re more likely to stay inspired and motivated even in the most draining of circumstances.

No one’s path to success was a straight line. You’re bound to have ups and downs. When your journey is getting difficult, you might feel down, depressed, or unmotivated.

But when you know what gets your motivation going, you can implement those things and help yourself move forward. Some things that might motivate you? A brisk walk in the woods, revisiting some of your favorite memories, or a talk with a friend. Find those simple joys to keep you going.

16) Make a bucket list.

When it comes to living boldly, you don’t want to leave anything out! Making a bucket list helps you remember all the things you want to do and experience. Living your best life now happens by making a list of everything on it that will make for best memories with friends, family or even just solo!

Create some time each week (or day) where you can check off an item from your bucket list, if it’s a small task.

For the bigger tasks, like skydiving, staying overnight in a haunted castle, or traveling to all 7 continents, make sure you plan! Give yourself plenty of time and resources, and stay focused. These can help you stay motivated as well.


Living your best life takes planning and a lot of self-reflection. But when you do, you’ll find that it’s worth the effort.

It’s time to live the best that you choose! Use these 15 steps to lead yourself to your own fulfilling and satisfactory life and stay there!

I’m still working on living my best life.

Source: wildsimplejoy.com  By: Dawn Elizabeth ~ Image: Canva Pro

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