When you feel beautiful – You have more confidence

Have more confidence

Beauty from the inside out; When you feel beautiful – You have more confidence. There’s definitely a link between feeling beautiful and having more confidence. It works in a two-way street:

Feeling beautiful can boost confidence:

  • Self-assurance: When you feel good about your appearance, it can project outward confidence. You might stand taller, make eye contact, and smile more readily.
  • Empowerment: Taking care of yourself and feeling beautiful can be a form of self-care and empowerment. It shows you value yourself and are putting effort into how you present yourself.
  • Positive self-perception: When you see yourself in a positive light, it influences how you approach challenges and interact with the world.

Confidence can make you feel more beautiful:

  • Inner radiance: Confidence has a way of shining through. When you believe in yourself, it can make you appear more attractive to others.
  • Positive energy: Confidence allows you to be more outgoing and charismatic. This can make you more engaging and attractive to others.
  • Owning your style: When you’re confident, you’re more likely to experiment with your style and wear what makes you feel good, regardless of trends. This self-expression can be very attractive.

It’s important to remember that beauty is subjective and confidence comes from many sources beyond appearance. However, feeling beautiful can definitely be a positive force that fuels your confidence.

Image: Canva Pro

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Embracing the Seasons of Your Life

Seasons of Life

Life, like nature, goes through seasons. There are vibrant springs of new beginnings, scorching summers of passion and growth, mellow autumns of reflection, and introspective winters of rest and preparation. Each season of life has its gifts and challenges, and embracing them all is the key to living a fulfilling life.

Here are some tips for embracing each season of your life:

Spring: Finding Joy in the New Beginnings

    • Savor the Moment: Don’t take the good times for granted. Be truly present and appreciate the happiness and opportunities that come your way.
    • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, big or small.
    • Share the Sunshine: Spread the joy by sharing your happiness with loved ones and expressing gratitude.

Summer: Finding Strength in Passion and Growth

    • Embrace the Energy: Summer is a time of passion, growth, and productivity. Channel this energy into your goals and aspirations.
    • Build Your Network: Connect with new people, explore new interests, and step outside your comfort zone.
    • Nurture Relationships: Spend quality time with loved ones and strengthen your social bonds.

Fall: Finding Beauty in Reflection

    • Acceptance is Key: Life has its inevitable challenges. Resisting them will only prolong the struggle. Accept what you cannot control and focus on what you can.
    • Find Your Anchor: During tough times, lean on your support system – friends, family, or a therapist. Having a strong foundation will help you weather the storm.
    • Seek the Silver Lining: Look for the lessons and hidden strengths that difficult times can reveal.

Winter: Finding Peace in Rest and Preparation

    • Live in the Present: Don’t dwell on the past or worry excessively about the future. Focus on what you can control in the present moment.
    • Embrace Growth: Be open to new experiences and challenges. Every season offers the chance to learn and grow.
    • Practice Gratitude: No matter the season, find things to be grateful for. Gratitude fosters a positive outlook and helps you appreciate the good things in life.

By following these tips, you can approach each season of your life with a sense of acceptance, growth, and appreciation. Remember, just like the changing seasons, change is a natural part of life. Embrace the journey and find the beauty in every chapter.

Image: Canva Pro

Understanding the Seasons of Life

Seasons of Life

The idea of seasons in life refers to the different stages we experience throughout our lives. Just like nature has spring, summer, fall, and winter, each with its own characteristics, our lives go through periods of growth, stability, reflection, and change.

Here are some ways to understand the seasons of life:

Life Stages:

    • A common way to view seasons is through traditional life stages like childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, retirement, and elder years. Each stage brings its own opportunities, challenges, and expectations.

Cycles and Transitions:

    • Beyond set stages, life can also be seen as a series of cycles. You might have a period of intense career focus followed by a season of starting a family. There can be times of joy and celebration followed by periods of difficulty or loss. Transitions between these cycles can be especially challenging but also open doors for growth.

Metaphorical Seasons:

    • We can also use the natural seasons as metaphors for our experiences. Spring represents new beginnings, summer signifies growth and productivity, fall reflects harvest and letting go, and winter symbolizes rest and introspection.

Understanding these seasons can help you:

    • Navigate change: Knowing that change is inevitable can help you approach challenges with more resilience.
    • Appreciate each phase: Each season has its own beauty and value. Recognizing this can help you savor the present moment.
    • Make informed decisions: Understanding where you are in life’s journey can guide your choices about career, relationships, and goals.

Image: Canva Pro


Four Seasons of Life: How to Thrive

Seasons of Life

Have you ever heard an older person be referred to as “no spring chicken”?

This common term is used to describe someone who is typically past young adulthood, but may still be trying to look and act younger than his age.

While this isn’t typically meant as a compliment, it acknowledges the seasons of life that we all experience and the actions and mindsets that are associated with each.

In this article, we will talk about the different seasons of life and the necessary transition of your mindset and actions between each season.

The Four Seasons

When you think about the environment, you can notice a complex cycling of its features through stages and transitions.

Nothing stays the same for long–rather, seasons come and go naturally with the predictable transformations that our world endures. Even in the short-term, when you have that unexpected cold day in July, you know things will return to their typical state.

This mirrors the human transitions through the four seasons of life, which are each associated with specific psychological and physical states of being.

As we transition from one season to the next, our circumstances, needs, mindsets, and actions have to evolve–just like the transitions that occur in the environment.

Accepting and evolving alongside these cycles of life allows us to glide through our time on earth effortlessly, knowing that our circumstances are always temporary.

This mindset allows us to make the best possible use of what we have, rather than resisting these natural transitions, which can lead to psychological struggle and a weakening of happiness and fulfillment in life.

To help you understand this better, watch the video below for 9 examples of a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset.

Each season of life teaches us lessons about ourselves, other people, and life in general. They help us transform psychologically, physically, and socially. They strengthen our souls and resilience and enliven our spirits in the face of adversity.

We celebrate when we succeed and we complain when we fail, but eventually, we start to really consider who we are, what we want out of life, and how we want to move forward from each moment onwards.

The seasons of life shape our character and lay the framework for the life we have ahead of us. Mostly, they help us evolve as humans.

Let’s go ahead and start at the beginning: Spring.

Season One: Spring

From birth to your mid-twenties, you’re in the spring of your life, where you’re being nourished by education and formative experiences.

This is the season of learning and growing–a time to focus on yourself and discover who you are as a person and what you may want out of life. This is an acceptable time to be selfish and make mistakes so you can learn from them and move on.

During the spring season, we start to consider who we are, where we came from, what we want, and how we want to move forward. This season starts to shape our character and lay the groundwork for the life we are going to experience. Spring marks the beginning of our evolving lives.

The curiosity and carelessness that come along with spring won’t last forever. At some point, your thoughts will begin to transition and your decisions and actions will push you into the next season of your life.

One of the actions that you can take to get the most out of the spring season of your life is to take care of your body.

This transition happens naturally as a result of your values and beliefs cultivating in your mind. The transition may have its ups and downs, however, this is temporary, and it will pass.

Here are some actions you can take to get the most out of the spring season of your life:

Season Two: Summer

Summer is a time in your life for rewards, celebration, and purpose. This is when you’re becoming a professional in your career, getting married and starting a family, and setting and achieving goals and objectives while enjoying your life to the fullest.

In the summer, go hard. Produce, create, and innovate. This is the season to create your legacy. Who are you going to be? Who are you serving? What will you leave behind?

During the summer season, you will find yourself:

  • Networking and meeting new people
  • Traveling
  • Leisure: Doing the activities you want to do
  • Taking risks
  • Being proactive
  • Getting outside of your comfort zone
  • Thinking creatively and with optimism

During the second season of your life, you may feel:

  • Excited
  • Passionate
  • Courageous
  • Confident

Some feel distracted by these emotions and therefore become fatigued and spend an insufficient amount of time working toward achieving their goals and objectives. However, there are some factors that help people transition through the summer season of life.

Here are some actions you can take to get the most out of the summer season of your life:

  • Engage in proper planning and preparation for the future
  • Make sure that you’re making well-thought-out decisions–this isn’t the time to be as impulsive as you may have been during the spring
  • Do a sufficient amount of self-reflection–this will help you correct your path if there are any potential missteps that you’ve started to take
  • Take advantage of the right opportunities–to grow your career, experience new things, meet new people, and seize the day

Season Three: Fall

Autumn is a season for survival handling problems and dealing with past mistakes. It sums up the past times in your life when you failed to sustain the required momentum to achieve your goals.

Because of this, things didn’t go as planned, you felt like you lost control of your circumstances, and you limited yourself with your sense of self-doubt.

However, it’s also a time to reap the benefits of your hard work and set yourself up to finish strong with whatever you’ve started in life.

This is the time for you to be a mentor for those who are in earlier seasons and teach people from your mistakes and your successes. Autumn is a time to be open to inevitable changes in your family, health, life, and society.

Autumn is the time to be open to unavoidable changes in your family, well-being, life, and society.

While you started to put other people’s needs first in the summer as you grow your family, this becomes an even more important and primary factor in the fall.

You’re still caring for your children, setting them up for success and guiding them as they’re emerging into adulthood–but you also may be caring for aging parents and other sick family members.

During the fall, you may find yourself:

  • Developing new mindsets
  • Thinking strategically
  • Acting on past dreams (such as traveling)
  • Developing new habits
  • Enjoying your relationships

People also experience the following emotions during this time:

  • Love
  • Gratitude
  • Trust
  • Appreciation
  • Contentment
  • Pride
  • Satisfaction

During the fall of your life, you will likely engage in some reflection to help you determine what you want to achieve in the coming years.

You’ll have the self-confidence that you need to live in your own skin and not worry about what other people think. This is a time to care for the people you love–including yourself because you will have developed a great sense of self-love.

Here are some actions you can take to get the most out of the fall season of your life:

  • Stop trying to impress other people. Focus on your family and the things that you want
  • Engage in self-care
  • Listen to the changing needs of your body
  • Invest in friendships–these connections will help you get through this season of change alongside others who are doing the same

(If you’re a teacher who’s out of bulletin board ideas, here’s our list of great ideas for fall-themed bulletin boards.)

Season Four: Winter

When life turns to winter, it makes us remember–and long for–the past. We leave friends as we seek refuge with family and other caretakers.

The cold, bleak harshness of this season tests the stamina of all of us in every way. It teaches you your strength while begging you to slow down.

Winter is a season of rest. It is a time to think of all the hard work you accomplished throughout your life. This is often a challenging season, as people struggle to understand why life has slowed down so much.

There are a few things that are important to keep in mind during this season:

  • Be mindful: Try to remove your natural judgments from situations, and simply experience them for whatever they are. Don’t think of things as being good or bad. They just are. Once you remove your negative assessment of value from any moment, you start to experience life more fully.
  • Trust yourself: You’re stronger than you think. Remind yourself of the parts of your journey that have pushed you to overcome difficulties in the past.
  • Remember that tough moments don’t define you: You are more than your circumstances. Remember to seek out positive support systems, keep your friends in your life, and take good care of yourself.

Here are some actions you can take to get the most out of the winter season of your life:

  • Lean into it: If your days are shorter, why not allow yourself the opportunity to get more sleep?  If you’re inside, start reading that stack of books you’ve had sitting in your house your entire life. What is best for you will look different for everyone. But it’s worth asking ourselves how we want to spend this time, and intentionally setting out to do it.
  • Create or nurture the things that will outlast your lifetime. Create positive changes that will help others. (Here are some indoor hobbies you can take up!)
  • Reflect. Allow yourself to feel satisfied with your life. Acknowledge the wisdom you’ve obtained.

Final Thoughts on the Seasons of Life

The seasons of life are about the transitions we go through and how they impact our mindset and actions. The amount of time it takes to move through each season is a reflection of your state of mind.

The seasons are about the process of transition from one set of circumstances to the next— allowing for opportunities for us to learn, evolve, and eventually reap the rewards of a well-lived life.

Ultimately, life is about transformation. Every experience — despite its magnitude — helps us grow on many levels, which helps to pave the way for richer experiences that will challenge us to overcome the obstacles that life inevitably sends our way.

Source: developgoodhabits.com ~ By: ~ Image: Canva Pro

15 Ways Meditation Benefits Your Brain Power and Your Mood

Meditation Benefits Your Brain & Mood

What could be better than reaching your big goals? Well, it turns out that meditation—something you could be doing daily, at no cost and with little effort—offers benefits that success can’t bring. Meditation benefits can seep into every area of your life and improve your overall well-being in the long term.

Meditation as Mindfulness

The studies on meditation generally focus on a broad type of meditation that could be called mindfulness. Mindfulness simply means keeping one’s thoughts focused on awareness of a single thing or moment. It could be your breath (a typical point of focus in meditation), or it could be a single image, word, or emotion.

It sounds simple, but when you try it, you realize how much your mind wants to jump around. That’s okay: “When a ‘stray’ thought arises, the practitioner must be quick to recognize it, and then turn back to the focus of their attention,” says George Dvorsky, writing about meditation[1]. “And it doesn’t just have to be the breath; any single thought, like a mantra, will do.”

Here are 15 ways meditation benefits can improve your life, whether or not you ever reach those big goals.

1. Handle Stress Better

According to one source, “When you meditate, you clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contributes to your stress.”[2]

Much of our stress comes from too much input and a lack of time or tools to handle the input. We take in information and build emotions, and we get overloaded. Our brains don’t know what to handle first, so they just keep cycling through all the information.

Meditation helps your brain to let things slide away by simply giving it time to rest and meander through the information, bit by bit, letting go of what is unimportant.

2. Improve How Your Brain Functions

A 2012 study showed a brain process called gyrification happening more in people who meditate[3].

Gyrification is “the ‘folding’ of the cerebral cortex as a result of growth, which in turn may allow the brain to process information faster. Though the research did not prove this directly, scientists suspect that gyrification is responsible for making the brain better at processing information, making decisions, forming memories, and improving attention.”

If that’s not enough, there is also evidence from MRI scans that meditation can reinforce connections between brain cells. One study showed that meditation “may be associated with structural changes in areas of the brain that are important for sensory, cognitive, and emotional processing. The data further suggest that meditation may impact age-related declines in cortical structure.”[4]

In other words, meditation may not only make your brain work better, but it might also slow down the aging process within the brain.

3. Get in Touch With Yourself

The busyness of modern life, along with the perpetual onslaught of media that tells us how we ought to look, feel, and behave, can leave us feeling detached from ourselves. It can be difficult to connect with our own values and emotions. We see standards put into place, and we want to meet those standards, so we pretend to be a certain way even when, perhaps, we are not.

Meditation benefits can help us with that. According to researcher Erika Carlson,[5]

“Mindfulness helps us to see our authentic selves in two ways: nonjudgmental observation, and attention. Nonjudgmental observation enables people to really get to know themselves without feeling any negative feelings.”

4. Improve Your Grades

Whether you’re a part-time student, a full-time student, or someone who just likes to take tests for fun, meditation can help you learn and retain what you learn.

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One study[6] showed that mindfulness training resulted in “improved accuracy on the GRE and higher working memory capacity.” The researchers concluded that “the improvement could be explained, at least in part, by reduced mind wandering during the task.”

The researchers estimated that mindfulness training resulted in the equivalent of a 16 percentile-point boost on the GRE, on average.

5. Increase Productivity in High-Performance Situations

A study done in 2012 set participants up in a real-world multitasking situation. They had to do several activities that required various forms of input in a typical office setting, and they had to complete them all within 20 minutes.

Some of the participants received mindfulness training, and some didn’t. Then, they tested them all again. “The only participants to show improvement,” reported the researchers, “were those who had received the mindfulness training.”[7]

Another study showed that “daily meditation-like thought could shift frontal brain activity toward a pattern that is associated with what cognitive scientists call positive, approach-oriented emotional states — states that make us more likely to engage the world rather than to withdraw from it.”

Handling high-stress, high-performance situations like a pro could certainly be a handy skill to have, and it’s one that meditation benefits can help you cultivate. If you need more motivation to increase productivity, check out Lifehack’s free guide: Ultimate Worksheet for Instant Motivation Boost.

6. Appreciate Music More

Do you love but find yourself drifting off and missing out in the middle of a concert or show? Meditation can help you to stay tuned in and aware, one study showed[8].

The majority of the people in the “mindfulness groups” in the study said that the mindfulness task had “modified their listening experience by increasing their ability to focus on the music without distraction.”

7. Positive Effects Even When Not Meditating

Researchers have found that the way meditation helps your brain to work better is consistent, staying with you not just when you’re sitting on a cushion with your eyes closed, but all the time. According to the research, “the effects of meditation training on emotional processing might transfer to non-meditative states.”[9]

The researchers point out that this may mean that the benefits of meditation are not specific to a task or certain stimulus (such as that cushion or a mantra) but are process-specific, meaning that they “may result in enduring changes in mental function.”

8. Reduce Isolation and Feel Connected

It’s strange that in the age of constant connectivity, isolation and loneliness can feel even more poignant. But it happens, and when that sense of isolation descends, it can be overwhelming.

However, meditation was shown to reduce feelings of loneliness in a study on older adults[10], and those who have been practicing transcendental meditation, even for a very short time, say that the practice of meditation provides a feeling of being connected and whole, a “fundamental level of unity”[11].

9. Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Meditation can help you feel connected and handle stress, but what about an ongoing anxiety disorder? What about overwhelming negative feelings or that debilitating sense of depression?

Well, a study done on high school students showed that mindfulness and meditation benefits could help a lot with both: students who stuck with a mindfulness program “exhibited decreased symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression both immediately after and six months after the program”[12].

10. Fight Disease and Stay Healthier

Meditation benefits can be useful for both the brain and body. Being able to handle stress better can reduce its impact on your body, which can decrease symptoms and physical aggravation of various health issues, including chronic pain.

A researcher at one of Harvard Medical School’s teaching hospitals[13] notes that “The kinds of things that happen when you meditate do have effects throughout the body, not just in the brain.” Health benefits abound when you devote yourself to meditation.

11. Sleep Better

Let’s do a quick review: meditation can help you cope with stress better, help you know (and like) yourself more, and help you lessen anxiety and depression.

With those meditation benefits alone, it seems pretty likely that you’d be able to get a better night’s sleep. After all, if you can stop your brain from racing and your emotions from raging, you’ll be much more likely to drift off into sweet dreams. Research concurs[14]:

“Meditation practices influence brain functions, induce various intrinsic neural plasticity events, modulate autonomic, metabolic, endocrine, and immune functions and thus mediate global regulatory changes in various behavioral states including sleep.”

12. Help With Weight Loss

When a group of psychologists were asked to recommend a few strategies for reaching weight-loss goals, 7 out of 10 said meditation, or mindfulness training, would be beneficial[15].

The popular meditation app, Headspace, notes that meditation can help you focus on mindful eating, which encourages you to eat when you’re hungry, not when you are stressed or upset[16]. When you develop this skill, it can help you lose weight the natural way, which is one of the most useful meditation benefits for many.

13. Make You a Better Friend

It makes sense that being able to know and accept yourself better might help you to know and accept others, as well. Other studies have also shown that meditation increases the “mental expertise to cultivate positive emotion”[17].

In other words, people who meditate tend to respond with more positive emotions rather than negative ones. They have a stronger sense of empathy and compassion for others, making them an overall better friend to others.

14. Increase Your Attention Span

Studies show that mindfulness training helps the brain to connect better. What that means for you is that your brain, after meditating, finds it easier to access and process information. Along with that, mindfulness trains your brain to release the information that’s not important, and quickly[18].

Therefore, meditation benefits help you get better at collecting information, processing it quickly, and discarding the stuff you don’t need. Doing that well is what allows you to keep your attention focused on the information and tasks in front of you.

15. Generate More Ideas

If you wish you could access the creative, idea-making part of your brain more easily, it’s time to quit stalling and start meditating. The “catch-and-release” nature of mindfulness, that ability to let thought in and let it go, turns out to be very helpful for what one study calls “divergent thinking”[19].

The meditative practice helps your brain to be less judgmental and more accepting while exercising less “top-down control and local competition.” Your brain opens up to new ideas and inputs, which, say the researchers, “facilitates jumping from one thought to another – as required in divergent thinking.”

The Bottom Line

Meditation benefits are wide-ranging and can have a positive impact on many areas of your life. Whether you’re looking to increase your focus, develop more compassion, or get healthier, meditation can help with it all, especially if you become a long-term meditator. To get started with meditation, find a local or online meditation program, and check out this simple 5-minute guide.

Source: lifehack.org ~ By: Annie Mueller ~ Image: Canva Pro


[1] Gizmodo: The science behind meditation, and why it makes you feel better
[2] Mayo Clinic: Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress
[3] Science Daily: Evidence builds that meditation strengthens the brain
[4] Neuroreport.: Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness
[5] HuffPost: Mindfulness Helps Us Understand Our True Personalities, Study Says
[6] APS: Brief Mindfulness Training May Boost Test Scores, Working Memory
[7] The New York Times: The Power of Concentration
[8] Psychology of Music: Mindfulness, attention, and flow during music listening: An empirical investigation
[9] Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: Effects of mindful-attention and compassion meditation training on amygdala response to emotional stimuli in an ordinary, non-meditative state
[10] Brain, Behavior, and Immunity: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: A small randomized controlled trial
[11] Medical News Today: Does meditation have benefits for mind and body?
[12] HuffPost: Mindfulness Programs In Schools Reduce Symptoms Of Depression Among Adolescents: Study
[13] Bloomberg: Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit
[14] Frontiers in Neurology: Meditation and its regulatory role on sleep
[15] Consumer Reports: Lose weight your way
[16] Headspace: Meditation for weight loss
[17] PLOS One: Regulation of the Neural Circuitry of Emotion by Compassion Meditation: Effects of Meditative Expertise
[18] The New York Times: Study Suggests Meditation Can Help Train Attention
[19] Frontiers in Psychology: Meditate to create: the impact of focused-attention and open-monitoring training on convergent and divergent thinking
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