What Keeps People Awake at NightWhat Keeps People Awake

There are many reasons why people might struggle to sleep at night. Here are some of the most common culprits:

      • Stress and anxiety: Worrying about work, finances, relationships, or other issues can make it difficult to quiet your mind and fall asleep.
      • Stimulants: Caffeine and other stimulants found in coffee, soda, energy drinks, and some medications can interfere with sleep.
      • Unhealthy habits: Irregular sleep schedules, napping during the day, watching TV or using electronic devices in bed can disrupt your sleep cycle.
      • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and chronic pain, can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. READ MORE

    How to Give Your Brain a Rest So You can Fall Asleep at NightGive Your Brain a Rest

    Your brain needs a winding-down period just like your body does! Here are some tips to help give your brain a rest and prepare for sleep:

        • Dim the lights: Start by dimming the lights in your house an hour or so before bedtime. This helps suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, and signals to your body that it’s time to wind down.
        • Digital Detox: Power down electronic devices like phones, laptops, and tablets at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light emitted from these screens can interfere with sleep.
        • Quiet activities: Instead of screens, opt for calming activities like reading a book of calming fiction, listening to audiobooks with soothing narration, or doing light puzzles.
        • Relaxation techniques: Spend 10-15 minutes practicing mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath and let go of any worries or anxieties. There are many guided meditations available online or in apps to help you get started. READ MORE

    Relaxing Bedtime Routine

    What Keeps You Awake at Night

    Here’s a relaxing bedtime routine you can try, allowing around 60 minutes to wind down:

    Wind-down (60-45 minutes before bed):

        • Dim the lights: Start by dimming the lights in your house an hour or so before bedtime. This helps suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, and signals to your body that it’s time to start winding down.
        • Digital Detox: Power down electronic devices like phones, laptops, and tablets at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light emitted from these screens can interfere with sleep.
        • Light reading or listening: Curl up with a book of calming fiction or listen to audiobooks or podcasts with soothing narration.
        • Warm bath or shower: Take a warm bath or shower to relax your muscles and prepare your body for sleep. You can add lavender essential oil or Epsom salts for an extra dose of relaxation.
        • Light stretches or yoga: Some gentle stretches or yoga poses can help release tension and prepare your body for sleep. READ MORE

    The Isagenix Bedtime Belly Buster – A Flatter Stomach, Overnight

    Isagenix Bedtime Belly Buster

    Here’s Why this Combination of Isagenix Products Works:

        • The high-quality whey protein does double-duty by boosting your metabolism and supporting a more efficient, restful sleep. As whey protein helps you to feel full while actually encouraging fat burning, your body will burn off excess fat overnight without leaving you starving in the morning. It also offers a sizable quantity of tryptophan, an enzyme that increases the brain’s production of sleep-inducing serotonin. Tryptophan is the same enzyme that leaves you feeling drowsy after a big turkey dinner.
        • Hydrate is a powerful sleep aid as its primary result is to aid overnight recovery. The best part about taking Hydrate before bed is that it provides the recovery boost without forcing you to consume a huge number of calories.
        • Besides the weight loss and recovery benefits of the Isagenix Bedtime Belly Buster, the product combination encourages a healthy lifestyle by stimulating consistent restful sleep. When you fall into poor sleep habits, such as going to bed at different times throughout the week or not getting enough sleep, your body’s internal clock is disrupted. This disruption can lead to a number of health issues including increased appetite, slow metabolism, and weakened immune system. The BBB is a reliable tool for restoring restful sleep and laying the foundation for sustainable weight loss.


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