Hobbies fill you with joy, it’s official.

A new study by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology has found that valuing your time more than your money is linked to greater overall happiness.

Academics discovered those who carved out time to spend on meaningful pursuits (eg hobbies that brought them a sense of satisfaction) report a greater sense of wellbeing than those who prioritise working longer hours in exchange for big pay cheques.

Busting your guts to acquire material things doesn’t amount to a blissed-out life (unless, perhaps, you made those things at crafting club).

‘Having more free time is likely more important for happiness than having more money,’ explained the study’s lead researcher, Ashley Whillans, a doctoral student in social psychology at the University of British Columbia. ‘Even giving up a few hours of a paycheck to volunteer at a food bank may have more bang for your buck in making you feel happier.’

Feel it’s time to re-shuffle your priorities? Here are some tried and tested hobbies to try your hand at.

1. Calligraphy –  ‘Like the current obsession with adult colouring books, calligraphy makes the mind focus on one task only and promotes mindfulness.’

2. Ping pong – ‘Holding that little paddle offers instant relief, lifting me 
out of my 

3. Stargazing – ‘It never ceases to fill me with awe and wonder.’

4. Life drawing – ‘I loved how it made me feel – that I was doing something for me, that I was doing something fresh and brave’

5. Rambling  – ‘The feeling of interacting with the world, of achieving victory over the challenges set by its landscapes, is a warm bubble bath to the sore subconscious’

6. Crafting  – ‘Getting handmade around the house is surprisingly good for the soul’

Source: redonline.co.uk ~ By: Georgia Simmonds  ~ Image: Canva Pro

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Thu Jun 15 , 2023
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