Many people have enjoyed watching superhero movies over the years. They remind us of when we were kids pretending to be superheroes, enjoyed reading comic books, and felt like we could conquer any obstacle in our way. But do superheroes really exist?

Anyone can become a superhero. Think about it logically. What do superheroes do? They assist people who need help. Now think about people at work or in your life that seem to always be there when you need help. Most of us have had these types of heroes we looked up to in our lives at one time or another. Is it that simple? Can we all be superheroes? No, it takes a little more to become super. We have to act with the same characteristics of a superhero.

Here are 7 characteristics to help you become a superhero:

    1. Attitude – The first thing a superhero needs is a positive mindset. Believing that “I can do it” or “I can make a difference” gives you momentum that the person who believes “I can’t do it” or “I can’t make a difference” will never have. This superpower gives you the tenacity to take on challenges.
    2. Integrity – Integrity is essential for a superhero. These days we have many examples of people who have conducted business unethically. But it is the person with strong moral uprightness that people look to when they need help. Integrity results in honesty and transparency, which in turn makes you shine when a superhero is needed.
    3. Empathy – Superheroes can understand how their actions affect others. These days it seems like nobody wants to take the time to understand the other person’s point of view. When you approach people with empathy, you have developed the superpower of understanding. This is a superpower that creates unity instead of division.
    4. Supportive – A superhero puts themselves out there when others need help. People are asked to do more, faster, and with less these days, so it is no surprise that people don’t offer to help as often as they can. When you are willing to help others, you tap into the 1+1=3 axiom with the superpower of cooperation.
    5. Driven – Superheroes never give up. Today it is almost certain that obstacles will get in your way, no matter what you are trying to do. Superheroes will stay the course and push through the obstacles. Superheroes give the extra effort needed to make sure the project, team, or organization is successful.
    6. Courageous – Many people fear change. The courage to face changes and challenges is not commonplace in today’s world. Superheroes embrace change when faced with it. They take it head-on and turn challenges into opportunities. They have the superpower of bravery which gives them the courage to face obstacles.
    7. Inquisitive – Superheroes know how to ask questions. They want to make sure they have the information they need to help you succeed. They ask questions instead of giving direct orders to help you find the solution you need. Superheroes use the power of inquisition to give insight.

When you help others utilizing the characteristics listed above, you will transform into a superhero. These superpowers will help you to successfully conquer any obstacle.

Source: ~ By:  ~ Image: Canva pro

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