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Be Happy By Cultivating Great Relationships

Source: ~ Author: Brian Tracy

Be Happy By Cultivating Great RelationshipsMake an effort to be happy and cultivate great relationships all the days of your life. This is perhaps more important than anything else in life and I am going to tell you why living a good life, full of great relationships is more important than anything else.

85% of your happiness and joy in life will be associated with other people. This means that, of course, 85% of your frustrations and problems in life will be associated with other people as well. In order to be happy in life you must focus on building great relationships with others.

The Golden Rule

An important part of living a wonderful life is for you to remember that relationships are central to your health and happiness. Practice the Golden Rule in all of your relationships. Take a look at my previous blog “7 Secret Ingredients of a Happy Life” to learn more about living a good life and practicing the Golden Rule.

Make the important people in your life the most important parts of your world. Treat other people with courtesy, kindness, and consideration, exactly the way you would like to be treated by them. When you practice the Golden Rule, it will not only help you to be happy by being good to others, it will help others to be happy as well.

The Best Investment

The critical factor in every relationship is the variable of time. The more time you invest to be happy in a relationship, the more important that relationship becomes. Be sure to spend lots of time with the people who are the most important to you. The more time you spend with the people you care about, you will be happy, healthier and more fulfilled as a person.

In your relationships with other people, here is a special technique you can use. Especially when you feel impatient or angry for any reason, imagine that the other person only has a short time to live, and you are the only one who knows about it. What would you do differently?

Here is a great YouTube video about how I am able to keep a great relationship with my wife and we are both able to be happy. How can you apply these things to your life to cultivate great relationships?

Treat every person as though they were carrying a heavy load. Treat each person as though they have a lot of problems and difficulties. Be compassionate and friendly, even when you don’t feel like it.

Make Others Feel Important

Continually look for ways to make other people feel important. Look for ways to express appreciation and admiration. Look for ways to give them approval and praise. Look for ways to acknowledge the special qualities they have, and the efforts they are making. Go out of your way to bring a little sunshine into the life of another person you meet.

You are designed emotionally in a remarkable way. Whenever you do or say anything that makes another person feel better about himself or herself, you automatically feel better about yourself as well.

Each time you raise the self-esteem of another person, your own self-esteem goes up.  Whenever you make other people feel important, you feel more important as well. Take a minute to read one of my other blogs on building self-esteem, great relationships and living a good life.

How Will You Be Remembered?

When your life is done, no one will really care about anything that you accomplished, or any amount of money that you acquired. Their only concern will be the kind of person that you were, the way you treated them, and if you lived a good life as a good person. Remember, the first question anybody ever asks is, “Do you care about me?”

Six Months to Live?

Imagine that you only have six months left to live.

How would you spend your last six months on earth? Have you lived a good life up to this point? What would you want to do? Who would you want to see? Who would you want to spend your time with and what would you want to do during that time?

These are important questions to keep your relationships on the front burner of your life. Here is another short YouTube video about building relationships that I think you will enjoy.

Take Action

Live your life as if you only had 6 months to live. Be with the people you care about the most. Do the things that you really want to do. Always cultivate great relationships with the people you love. Practice the Golden Rule with everyone you come in contact with and most importantly, be happy and live a good life that people will remember you for.


Cleansing Your Way to Better Health

Basic nutritional re-balance in your body and understanding the principles of inflammation -disease-manifestation are the cornerstones to improving your overall health. It is of no real benefit to masking the symptoms without removing the original causes. On the contrary, such an approach robs the body of its ability to fight its own problems and may lead to permanent health damage and may unfortunately lead to dependency on drugs/treatments that often have devastating side-effects.

The following may shed some light on why people develop inflammation – diseases, which when analyzed properly, can turn out to be no diseases, but appropriate, natural responses by the body to protect itself against the conscious or unconscious abuse on the body. Depending on constitutional status, dietary habits, excessive lifestyles, ability to deal with stressful situations, environmental factors, and existing predisposed weaknesses in the body, the symptoms may vary from person to person, but the mechanisms of inflammation – disease manifestation are similar.

One person may develop fibromyalgia, another respiratory weakness, a third, chronic fatigue- stress, yet they are all suffering from severe intestinal trouble and resulting lymphatic congestion and nutritional imbalance -undernourishment. Wherever the blockage occurs, symptoms show up. And wherever the blockage is removed, the symptoms disappear. It is up to each person suffering from health problems to help himself/herself.

The following are a few examples of conditions affected by inflammation, since these conditions can be chronic in nature, that is, they are constantly re-created by the afflicted person making the same mistakes over and over again. Many conditions caused by inflammation can be reduced if with body cleansing: elimination of cellar waste and detoxification.


Fibromyalgia can be a painful condition that affects the connective tissue responsible for holding muscular cells in place and feeding them with nutrients. The symptoms may vary, in some patients the pain is felt all over the body. In others, it appears in localized areas, for example in the shoulder (frozen shoulder) or the elbows (tennis elbow). Fibromyalgia s considered to be a form of rheumatism with the difference that it affects the softer tissues of the muscles rather than the harder tissues of the joints.

Although there may be a number of causes involved, many of them lead to one common underlying factor — acidification of the body’s connective tissues, toxicity. Many patients are told that excessive, regular, and one-sided use of muscle groups causes the death of muscle cells because the increased oxygen requirement cannot be met. This then results in the accumulation of dead muscle cells, leading to a thickening and hardening of the connective tissue.


It is much more likely that when the respiratory functions are already impaired through congestion and insufficient drainage of lymph/waste from the lung and bronchial areas, the oxygen demands of the body cannot be met. Most respiratory weakness is due to lack of enough ‘fresh’ air, not enough exercise, allergies acid-forming foods such as milk and dairy products, meat, sugars, soft drinks, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and/or irregular sleeping patterns. Suppressing emotional issues is another major contributing factor to respiratory difficulties.

Those parts of the body where waste removal through the lymphatic ducts is obstructed creates havoc in your lungs. For muscle cells to die and remain trapped in the connective tissue it takes much more than just repeated strenuous physical movements. Thickened and acidified connective tissue does not permit sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients to make their way through to the cells. Among the above reasons responsible for causing poor respiration, diet and digestion assert the greatest influence. Regular consumption of animal proteins, dairy food, refined and hardened oils and fats, as well as most processed foods are notorious for causing such acidity-related problems. Most factory-made processed food products are deprived of all living substance, and are considered “non-physiological”, that is inflammation – disease-generating.

Processed foods, no longer being in their natural form, rob the body of vital nutrients and can damage the probiotic flora of essential bacteria located on our skin and mucous lining along the intestinal and respiratory tracts. It is vital to have these highly useful bacteria, they are our first line of defense against any harmful substances and adverse invading organisms. Once the flora has been damaged, these acidic food compounds find entry into the connective tissues creating havoc throughout the body. Consequently, just to neutralize these substances, the muscle, bone, and organ tissues must give up some of their own oxygen, minerals, vitamins, trace elements, etc. Once this second line of defense is exhausted, too, the connective tissue becomes increasingly filled and saturated with cellular debris, metabolic waste, and toxic compounds and it thickens to a gel-like consistency. Microbes start coming on the scene, attacking the accumulated waste matter, which leads to inflammatory cascade.

Hampering proper lymph drainage and reducing the clearing of all naturally occurring metabolic waste products, results in stagnation causing overused and tense muscle groups in the body. This lends to malfunction and battle cry for attention and the battle to fight inflammation begins.  Most of the people who are affected in this way have no idea; however, the regular intake of sugars, stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, sodas, alcohol, dairy products, fast foods and junk foods, may have something to do with their muscular rheumatism. They may also not realize that the pain syndrome in their body indicates the presence of a deeper metabolic imbalance that affects the entire organism.

The organs of elimination and detoxification become heavily overtaxed, which forces the body to dump the waste matter elsewhere, such as in the connective tissue of muscles. Also energy levels drop, and emotional well-being is disturbed. All this can cause multiple symptoms, including headaches, constant tiredness, reduced ability to concentrate, fluid retention, abdominal pain and diarrhea, etc.

The most thorough and fundamental treatment program for these and many other health problems consists of cleansing the major organs and systems of elimination and detoxification, including the liver, kidneys, large intestine, small intestine, lymphatic system, lungs and skin. Unless they are cleared of any obstructions such as gallstones in the gallbladder and bile ducts of the liver, stones or grease in the kidneys, hardened deposits of undigested foods in the intestinal tract, layers of accumulated protein in the walls of blood vessels, etc., the body will continue to absorb toxic wastes in the connective tissues. Once the absorption capacity is exceeded, the waste spills over into the body’s orifices, e.g., eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin pores, causing congestion and impairing sensory functions.

When these organs and systems are cleansed and begin to function more efficiently again, the body systematically retrieves and neutralizes the deposits of toxic wastes in the connective tissues. As a result, the symptoms of inflammation – pain begin to disappear. This is easy to understand since pain arises only when ducts, pathways, vessels, etc. become obstructed. Respiratory weakness and many other inflammation areas of the body may not be considered to be diseases, but they could be a signal the body generates in order to warn its owner of the imminent danger and to deal with the existing toxicity crisis in the best possible way.


Chronic fatigue is a sign of major imbalance on all levels of living, physiological, psychological, and sociological. Its main cause, however, is overuse of the body’s energy resources. Since waste elimination is suppressed, there may be multiple symptoms of congestion, swellings, headaches, pain in joints and muscles, enlarged lymph nodes, etc.

Many professional athletes, for example, suffer from this condition later in life, especially when drugs were used to increase performance. There is a certain amount of life-energy available that is supposed to last for the entire natural lifespan. If used up within a few years, there is not much left for the later years.

But not only athletes tend to abuse their energy systems. Many people over-stimulate their body unnecessarily, just to derive sensory pleasure. Excessive travel to different time zones, chronic exposure to stressful activities can lead to the same depletion of energy that athletes can suffer. Even the overuse of the sense of sight, by watching too much TV for example, can cause major energy depletion. The nervous system must use vast amounts of energy, vitamins, and water in order to keep up. If this over-stimulation, prompting a constant release of the stress hormone adrenalin, becomes too strenuous for the body, it goes into exhaustion and may fall asleep — a common experience especially among the elderly. Also, regular exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields, radiating from TV sets, computers, car engines, and household appliances, are another major source of energy depletion.

Perhaps the most important cause of chronic fatigue is many years of over-stimulation through food and beverages. Foods that are non-physiological, have no real value for the body, rob the body of its energy reserves. Since they don’t provide energy to the body, the body is forced to give up its own resources to deal with them. Typical foods and drinks that have such an effect on the body are isolated sugar, cakes, candy, pastries, all stimulants such as caffeine in coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, preservatives, coloring agents, emulsifiers and other chemical food additives, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics contained in meat, milk, and other foods, meat, and basically all factory-produced foods.

Many modern foods and drinks literally trigger a fight-or-flight response in the body — a system of survival that is only to be used in emergency situations, such as facing an immediate danger from an approaching car. All stimulants trigger this survival response. Constant stress, and irregular sleeping habits, of course, do the same. A typical adrenalin release uses up a vast amount of energy in the body. Fatigue results when a number of these factors, combined with a longstanding weakness of the digestive functions, lead to the exhaustion of almost all energy reserves in the body. Since digestion is impaired there is not much energy left to fill up the complex sugar reserves.

Stress always goes hand in hand with severe congestion occurring in many parts of the body. This applies particularly to the lymphatic system, where thickened lymph fluid filled with metabolic waste products, toxins from foods and environment block the small and large lymph ducts and cause lymph node swelling or lymph edemas. Once lymph flow is continuously inhibited the surrounding tissue turns into a pool of toxins, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on nutrient and energy supply to the cells, organs and systems in the body.

The body, being a composite of ducts, channels, vessels, biochemical and electrical pathways, can only be energetically self-sufficient, when it is free of any abnormal obstructions. The various symptoms of inflammation simply reflect the location and degree of congestion and toxicity. In the case of chronic fatigue, the degree of congestion in these ducts and vessels is very high. Water, oxygen, glucose, and other essential substances are increasingly hindered from entering the cells.Consequently, cellular energy production remains too low to meet the body’s high demands for energy.

Since the liver serves as the main energy distribution center in the body, a series of body cleanses usually alleviates the situation greatly and in fact often fully restores normal energy levels.

In closing, to restore normal energy levels, remove pain and other symptoms of inflammation it is necessary to open all congested areas in the body through simple body cleansing. Diet and lifestyle must be adjusted to support the body in restoring its complex energy reserves and to deliver nourishment to all organs and systems. A body that is cleansed and free of congestion has no need to generate pain signals; instead it is a constant source of happiness, freedom and rejuvenation.

Circadian Rhythm – Our Body-Energy Clock

Our Body-Energy Clock ebbs and flows with energy during a 24-hour day. Every hour of the day our body supplies fluids, nutrients, proteins and removes toxins; this process is referred to as Circadian Rhythm.
Research supported by the National Institutes of Health has shown that the body’s Circadian Rhythm can influence sleep-wake cycles, hunger, cell regeneration, hormone release, body temperature and important bodily functions. Studies show that disruptions to your Body’s Energy clock can effect your sleeping patterns, hormone balance and could be linked to a host of health issues such as heart problems, obesity and depression.
Do you plan your daily activities around our Body-Energy Clock?  Think of lifestyle habits you might modify in order to better synchronize with your Body’s Energy Clock.
A good start is to eat heavier meals early in the day when the stomach is at its peak to catch your body’s warming energy. Eating larger meals of the day early delivers nourishment to the small intestine when it is strongest, which aids absorption and assimilation.
By contrast, have you ever eaten too much in the late evening, and awakened in the wee hours of the morning and were unable to fall back to sleep? Chances are good that you were tossing and turning between the hours of 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. when your over-loaded liver was struggling to do its work.
Before electricity and the light bulb, people ate supper and retired early, allowing time for the last meal of the day to digest so that the liver could be most effective in its peak hours of activity.
The work shift of the liver reinforces the concept of making the last meal of the day a light one that is consumed on the early side. The more time that passes after food is eaten before peak activity of the liver, the better the liver will be able to carry out its myriad functions
In the same way, it is taxing to the system to deal with late-night snacking. When we eat late at night, food is not well absorbed by the small intestine and the liver has little opportunity to do its job of housekeeping.  Between 1-3 a.m., the liver reaches its peak, doing its work to cleanse the blood, while the small intestine, the organ responsible for the absorption and assimilation of many key nutrients, is at its ebb.
When you eat with your natural Circadian Rhythm, you give your body the best chance to do its work well.  You feel better and release your natural energy.
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