Whether you need a fast, healthy dinner, a meal to wow the crowd, or a simple protein that you can enjoy tonight and eat leftover the next day, this is THE baked salmon recipe for you!

Salmon Foil Packet Recipe
Salmon Foil Packet Recipe


    • 1 pinch of garlic powder
    • Choice of vegetables (zucchini, yellow squash, green beans)
    • 5-8 oz salmon filet (according to “The Main Course” chart above)
    • 1 tsp pesto (optional)


    1. Sprinkle garlic powder over the salmon filet.
    2. Place veggies on an aluminum foil sheet, and add salmon filet on top.
    3. Add pesto on the top of the fish, if desired. Wrap in foil.
    4. Repeat as needed with multiple salmon filets.
    5. Bake one or more individually wrapped packets at 350 F for 30-40 minutes.

Submitted by Nicole S., 2015 IsaBody Challenge® Finalist

Source: isafyi.com 

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