What To Do if Your Phone Has Been Hacked

If you’re not in control of your iPhone or Android, here’s what to do.

    • Phones can be hacked through malware, phishing, and malicious code, just to name a few methods.
    • Jailbroken iPhones or rooted Android phones are easier to hack, as it removes most built-in safety guards.
    • Read our TotalAV antivirus review to learn how it can protect your phone from being hacked. It’s way more than just an antivirus.

The mere thought of someone else gaining access to our smartphone can be downright terrifying. In movies, we’re shown hackers as these mysterious figures in hoodies, capable of wreaking havoc with just a few keystrokes. But in reality, a hacked phone doesn’t have to be the end of the world. There are effective ways to regain control of your device and ensure your data stays secure.

So, what should you do if your phone has been hacked? Even better, how can you prevent hackers from gaining control of your devices in the first place? In this guide, we’ll answer these questions and more as we give you practical tips and insights to help you stay protected in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Top Prevention and Solution for a Hacked Phone

Using antivirus software is one of the best ways to not only kick a hacker out of your phone but also to prevent hacking in the first place. We’ve spent thousands of hours testing dozens of antivirus software, and from detecting trojans and backdoor programs to cleaning up trackers, these are the best options for the job:

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