How to Create a Big Vision for Your Life

Before we jump into the “how to create a big vision for your life”, first we’ll check-in to see why it’s important.

What Is A Life Vision?

A life vision is a future reality of where you want your life to go. Usually, this vision is created through images in your mind. Alternatively, it may come as an inspiration from photographs, magazine cutouts, or meaningful quotes.

Why Is A Life Vision Important?

Without a life vision, we are living day-to-day with no sense of direction. And although there are many positives about being present, it’s still important for us to have a sense of direction and purpose in our lives. Without that, we limit our ability to feel a true sense of purpose and fulfilment.

The Starting Point

To begin this process, it’s simple; You must decide that you want to go after something big in your life. And you must really decide with all your willpower and desire that it’s something you want. Because it won’t be easy to achieve if it’s big enough (and it should be). It may seem so far away right now, but that’s okay.

Focus on the big why. Why do you want this? The emotional connection to your vision will help guide you through the challenges along the way.

How To Create A Big Vision For Your Life

Now we’ll go over some possible ways to get this process moving along for you.

Creative writing or journaling

Removing all distractions and realities of your current world, find some time to sit down and relax. Grab a pen and paper, or your favourite journal.

Maybe you want to play some music or maybe you even want to go outdoors in nature and find inspiration from the birds. Whatever you need to do to feel relaxed and inspired.

I’ll keep this simple… Write in as much detail and clarity as you possibly can about your absolute best dream life. Oh, and please ignore any of those inner voices telling you it’s not possible. Get writing.


This is my personal favourite. Visualization is the process of creating images in your mind of your ideal outcome/life. Some people will say that they can’t do it. But the truth is, we all think in pictures.

Don’t think about a purple elephant.

You saw a purple elephant in your mind, didn’t you? Don’t worry, you can use that same imagination to create the life that you want.

And the same applies here. Find the time, space, and environment that allows you to feel relaxed and inspired. I find that meditation beforehand can help a lot.

Use powerful affirmations

I have created a tutorial sharing how you can make your own audio affirmations as a strategy to reprogram your subconscious mind. You can use the same principles to read and record an audio vision or life script that you listen to each day.

A mentor of mine, Peggy McColl, has a program that specifically helps you create your power life script. You can check that out here.

Your limiting beliefs

Without a doubt, anything that requires us to grow and get uncomfortable, such as a big life vision, there will be some resistance.

Back to the beliefs… Ultimately, your beliefs control your life. So, you could say that they’re pretty important. You can begin to change some of those limiting beliefs using the free belief blueprint that I created.

How To Remove The Overwhelm Of The Impossible

When did you see your vision happening? Was it 10 years from now? 15 years? Perhaps even just a few years?

Either way, when there is a gap, it can seem overwhelming or maybe even impossible. That’s why it’s good to work our way backwards by reverse engineering.

The reverse engineering process

STEP 1: Vision (Future)

Dream BIG!

STEP 2: 1 Year plan (Where do you want to be in 1 year from now)

Hint, spend some time identifying what changes you’d need to make in your life to live your vision. Then, figure out what would be the biggest first step during year 1.

STEP 3: Quarterly goals (A 90-day sprint)

Let’s divide the year up into quarters and have 1-3 big focus points for the 90 days. 1 main outcome. What are they?

STEP 4: Monthly goals (This months focus)

To break it down further, what are your priorities this month.

STEP 5: Weekly Goals (Now it seems real)

You get the idea by now.

STEP 6: Sessions (What activities need to go into your calendar?)

This is how you get super focused and specific by aiming your daily tasks towards the weekly outcome.


On a final note, remember to find ways to ensure you feel emotionally charged and pulled towards your vision. This will allow you to keep your focus on the vision, even when you hit obstacles along the way.


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