Cleanse Your Way to Longevity

Healthy Lifestyle


Nutritional cleansing has always been a unique part of Isagenix. Routine Cleanse Days are truly at the heart of some of the greatest health benefits attributed to weight loss with Isagenix.

Now, recent research at Skidmore College increasingly suggests that Cleanse Days—in combination with Shake Days—could increase the chance of a healthier, longer life. They do so by improving metabolic and cardiovascular markers including insulin sensitivity and arterial health.

If there’s one takeaway from the most recent two-phase Skidmore study it’s this: Isagenix has made it easier for you to achieve a healthier lifestyle and age well. READ MORE

Nutritional Cleansing with Cleanse for Life

Nutritional Cleansing


You may cringe when you hear the word, “cleanse,” if you’ve ever experienced other cleanses that often involve questionable ingredients and harsh methods. Rest assured; Cleanse Days are different.

Concerns with many typical cleanses include extreme dietary restrictions, days spent drinking nothing but sugary juices, or the use of potentially dangerous ingredients that act as laxatives or diuretics. These approaches can leave you feeling depleted and dehydrated.

An Isagenix Cleanse Day is a method of nutritionally supported intermittent fasting. Cleanse Days are centered around natural ingredients and gentle methods that support your body’s internal systems of renewal and detoxification. There are no laxatives or diuretics involved. This method of nutritional cleansing is designed to help you feel nourished and energized while tapping into the benefits of intermittent fasting that support weight management and metabolic health. READ MORE

What Happens to Your Body on a Cleanse Day

Healthy Lifestyle

While researchers commonly use the term intermittent fasting to describe the basic concept, an Isagenix Cleanse Day is a nutritionally supported fast that will help you feel nourished and energized, instead of deprived or run-down. No, there are no laxatives or diuretics involved.

Cleanse Days are an important part of the Isagenix System and are a powerful tool in helping you to reach or maintain a healthy weight. While there is significant scientific evidence supporting the benefits of Cleanse Days for aiding weight loss, there are more potential health benefits from Cleanse Days beyond a healthy weight (1). Here are four positive things that go on inside your body during a Cleanse Day. READ MORE

Isa Cob Salad

Isa Cob Salad

Grapefruit, boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes, and avocado.
440 Calories, 15 Minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


    • 1 scoop Isagenix Greens™
    • 1 scoop Creamy French Vanilla IsaLean® Shake
    • 3/4 cup grapefruit peeled and seeded
    • 1/4 cup olive oil
    • 2 1/2 tbsp water
    • 1 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar
    • 1/8 tsp black pepper
    • 4 cups salad greens
    • ounces nitrate-free oven-roasted turkey breast, chopped
    • 2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and quartered
    • 12 cherry tomatoes, halved
    • 1/2 avocado peeled and chopped
    • 2 packages Barbecue Whey Thins


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How To Focus On What Really Matters

Fri Apr 5 , 2024
Life is incredibly fast-paced, full of ups and downs, and can sometimes feel overwhelming. We spend our days jumping from one thing to another and […]
Focus On What Really Matters

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